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WCML 87 bash! not 100% smooth ride!

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class 313

Established Member
10 Dec 2005
St Albans
First off i was instructed to meet yorkie and gang at kings x, i get there to find out Ally Pally is the meet place. Yorkie instructs me to get the 1236 to cambridge (Without telling me to change at Finsbury park!) so I was on the 1236 to cambridge (networker) and i forgot to get off at finsbury park! So I ended up at Potters bar. I then headed south on a 313 to get a call from Yorkie telling me to meet him at oakleigh park. The thing is i just departed that station! so i headed to ally pally like i was told to and rushed to platform 4 which i thort would be a WGC train, but NO it was hertford loop 313! so had to rush back to ally pally after getting off the first stop on the hertford service. Finally i reach Oakliegh park and got off where yorkie and gang told me to get on again! Now im with Yorkie we finally decide to go to New barnet and get a bus to Borhamwood (Which had some very tight curvs on! I fell onto Yorkie ^^) After the gang thort we got lost i pointed out that we were nearing the high st of Borhamwood, me knowing the area i also pointed out elstree studios (I felt like the dude on a tour bus ;)) We then finally got at Borhamwood station after a worried ascot found us.

Now for the 87 story

We first arrive in Euston with my birsting bladder! so i ran on the nearest 321 and let it all out (Actually took 3 mins! :|) i then get a coke zero and some munch. I head back to the silverlink ticket counter were ascot was having trouble with his ticket. We finally got it all cleard (So we thort!) and headed to the 87, today 87002 was our loco to haul us to Birmingham new st. We set of and everything was all good, i was enjoying heads out and saw the Medite 66 at wembley and many other 66s and 92s. Then comes the conductor and it goes down hill from here for ascot and joy54! Il start by explaining ascots issue, we checked up about the ticket that ascot got and it WAS vailed for the trip we were doing BUT the conductor said no and told him to wait as he talks to joy54. Joy uses a unknown ticket that, well backfired on him and so him and joy walked with the conductor do a differnt coach. Whilst this was taking place i missed filming heads out going through watford! :@.

We are nearing Milton keynes central and i spotted a fastline 56 heading south, THE SCREAM! :D.

Still doing heads out i noticed we where now riding yellows and saw 2 southbound pendos being halted at reds, somthing was up! then we had our turn of red, the driver had to get out and call the signaller. This was due to a failed signal north of us, so we past at danger. Yet again we were riding yellows but this time it was due to a broken down pendo at Rugby, now we were at a red and have been so for 5 - 10 mins. We then get an anouncement stating that a pendolino in Rugby station has a broken wiper :| this ment the pendo couldnt go any further. What happerns is trains have to be sent on the passing line so passengers had to get of at coventry and then down to rugby, we passed the pendo and a 57 was attached to rescue the poor thing that caused so much delay!

FINALLY! we were at BMS! W00t! whilst there we took some shots of 170s, 87002, 150s, 350s, and 323s. We then made our way back on our 87 back to watford jnc. The Mk3 we were on had some kind of fault because when we went under a netraul section our lights went off! :| and evryone screamed, and to add to the moment i shouted "We are all gunna die!?" But luckerly with Nick to our rescue he went to the end of the MK3 and turnd the lights back on. And to our suprise everyone said they prefered the darkness:| evan though i said we are all gunna die!? oh well the kids enjoyed at and so did we!

All in all GREAT trip! its a shame the 87s are leaving us :@
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RailUK Forums


Established Member
9 Jun 2005
We had the same light problem on Monday's trip. Only the one coach though. It is better as you can actually see out the windows ;)


Established Member
4 Sep 2005
Coach B on the sandblower tour had NO lights whatsoever, very eery :D

We wasted sprog's phone battery by using his light :lol:


Established Member
7 Jun 2005
Marwell Zoo
Sounds like a fault with the coach batteries, if it has been experienced by different people on different occassions, i suggest contacting Virgin trains customer service department to notify them of the problem


Established Member
26 Nov 2005
Birmingham, UK
indeed it was a lovely trip. my part was....

Got into Marylebone where instructed to go to Kings Cross, so i was on my way when i was told now to go to Thames Link and go to some place just after Cricklewood. So i stumble onto my train stopping at every station. By this time my hunger was kicking in. Finally got off thinking where in the world are they.

While waiting i went to a little shop and bought myselfe a delightful chocolate bar to satisfy me and my stomach. half way through they come walking down the road. We wait for the next train back down after sorting tickets out and god knows what else, we then decided to go to Willesden where are beloved Class 313 was in dire for water pressure. Much dancing was done on the way back to Euston where he went like a fly before we even got past the barriers of which media is present of such an event.

Into Euston for the fun bit, walked up to the ticket woman and said, can you excess this to Rugby please.... then she goes no. And then an argument that includes her going through every retail book in her archives and gassing on the phone for about half an hr. In the end we did get it excessed fbut for both portions. We walked to the 87 where a fight for the windows taken place, ahaha lads :P.

We finally set off buzzing along the West Coast when the ticket 'inspectard' said that my saver was NOT valid and one of Joy54's tickets was something or another etc... So we walked down to the quiet coach and sat down, introducions names addys etc.. then he said only i could go so i walked back to our seating area not a happy bunny. Then i was thinking how to get from Rugby to home then a reassuring Alice offered to help me out and get off at Rugby to sort this mess out. So far so good.... as it seems..

After the annoucment that we will not be stopping at Rugby it was a bit of a nightmare so i walked back to the inspector who was STILL talking to Joy and said just get off at Coventry you'll be ok, naturally. After talks with the group i realised i was still valid within the West Midlands because i had my Just 15 from this morning and with the £0.00 excess i was free, however the Guard wasn't keen on me stopping, very home warming. So off me and Alice got at Coventry while the rest buzzed on to New Street.

Thinking what to do we decided to go to Pizza Hut where quality food was been held, just for you Jim ;). After the meal we went around Coventry shopping centre where we had at least a good 15-20 mins left so we decided to go back to the station and waited for the 87. Finally the 87 came where we said our good byes and seen Joy54 again still been talked to.

Now as i got a Voyager into Birmningham international what was about 5 mins late i was wondering if i could make my connection to my local station. Arrived into International where my 323 was there wating about 4 mins late, so dashed across and got going.

I finally got my lift back home and explained the situation. As soon as i got home i checked www.nationalrail.co.uk and typed in my ticket from and to and the time for next monday, it came up with the 87 AND the option for a Saver so i went on www.virgintrains.co.uk did the same and again came up with options for Savers so i printed this off with the Virgin logo on and going up the office on monday sorting this mess out as it is false advertisement.

None the less a great day and aload of laughs, fully enjoyed it and something to do again, but next time i'll print the ticket thingy off. I would like to say thank-you everyone who helped me during yesterday including (in no order) Joy54, Jonno2055, Nick W, Yorkie, Class 313 and Alice. Couldn't of done it without you all!


9 Aug 2005
Definately the most interesting trip I have been on. Especially after we waiting about 40 minutes to excess a ticket at the ticket offices at the Silverlink platforms.

Great day though :lol:

class 313

Established Member
10 Dec 2005
St Albans
God i was in so much pain on the 313 and the 508!

Yep it was a truly great day! thanks guys and girl ;)


Established Member
3 Mar 2006
....a broken down pendo at Rugby, now we were at a red and have been so for 5 - 10 mins. We then get an anouncement stating that a pendolino in Rugby station has a broken wiper :| this ment the pendo couldnt go any further. What happerns is trains have to be sent on the passing line so passengers had to get of at coventry and then down to rugby, we passed the pendo and a 57 was attached to rescue the poor thing that caused so much delay!

GRRRR! What a ****ing shambles!
Yes, i was at Rugby waiting for G21...

Usual move 350xxx on 1645 Brum-Euston to Rugby for +25 onto G21

390008 on xxxx Euston-Manchester (if anyone knows what train i'd be grateful) jacks on down Rugby platform with broken windscren wiper....
All trains for Trent Valley currently have to pass through Rugby platform so thats basically jobs topped on the down!
Control request reduced speed to Nuneaton to clear the line (it wasnt raining...) but driver says as 57 is prepped lets have that...

20 mins later 57304 started up and plonked on front....no air pressure. What a heap of ****e cant even do what its designed for!

By this time all trains are being sent via West Mids, including G21 which sails past, cheers! I'm now utterly bowled and flapping about getting back asap to intercept B05.

Around 1820 the Manchester has been caped and the Pendo banished to WB, ronnie off in disgrace.

Eventually 321 turns up 30 late at 1850ish and i just manage to make Cov for 1B05. Not the lost 50 miles i was annoyed about just had nearly two hours stuck on bloody Rugby!!! And no freight of interest either! endeth rant!

Nick W

Established Member
5 Nov 2005
Was certainly an interetsing trip. Shame a fatality meant no HSTs would pass on the ECML and we had to get a bus (ooo arrr!) only to see one MML HST. Plenty of 313 bashing though.

Thank goodness 87 ran as planned and managed to dodge what could have been far greater delays.


It's shame that these days there are some railway staff who can't do their jobs.


Forum Staff
Staff Member
6 Jun 2005
First off i was instructed to meet yorkie and gang at kings x, i get there to find out Ally Pally is the meet place.
Kings X was the meeting place.... at approx 1200 ;)
Yorkie instructs me to get the 1236 to cambridge (Without telling me to change at Finsbury park!) so I was on the 1236 to cambridge (networker) and i forgot to get off at finsbury park! So I ended up at Potters bar.
Tut tut, you should know the stopping patterns from SimSig ;)
I then headed south on a 313 to get a call from Yorkie telling me to meet him at oakleigh park. The thing is i just departed that station! so i headed to ally pally like i was told to and rushed to platform 4 which i thort would be a WGC train, but NO it was hertford loop 313! so had to rush back to ally pally after getting off the first stop on the hertford service. Finally i reach Oakliegh park and got off where yorkie and gang told me to get on again! Now im with Yorkie we finally decide to go to New barnet and get a bus to Borhamwood
Well, it was pointless staying on the ECML due to that fatality, there were no GNERs at all! So the only option really was to go elsewhere (MML or WCML), and I thought Barnet was the best option to get a bus over there (and it proved to be quite easy in the end!).
86242 said:
In my opinion 87s left us on Friday June 10th 2005 It will never be the same again :sad: It is impossible for something to rise from the dead...
What an incredibly negative attitude! Anyway you just sit at home refusing to have anything to do with them, while we all have fun :D

87015 said:
390008 on xxxx Euston-Manchester (if anyone knows what train i'd be grateful) jacks on down Rugby platform with broken windscren wiper....
All trains for Trent Valley currently have to pass through Rugby platform so thats basically jobs topped on the down!
Control request reduced speed to Nuneaton to clear the line (it wasnt raining...) but driver says as 57 is prepped lets have that...
Bet that driver isn't too popular with Control ;)
Ascot said:
We walked to the 87 where a fight for the windows taken place, ahaha lads :P.
Yes but who was to win in the end.... ;)
Ascot said:
We finally set off buzzing along the West Coast when the ticket 'inspectard' said that my saver was NOT valid and one of Joy54's tickets was something or another etc... So we walked down to the quiet coach and sat down, introducions names addys etc.. then he said only i could go so i walked back to our seating area not a happy bunny. Then i was thinking how to get from Rugby to home then a reassuring Alce offered to help me out and get off at Rugby to sort this mess out. So far so good.... as it seems..

After the annoucment that we will not be stopping at Rugby it was a bit of a nightmare so i walked back to the inspector who was STILL talking to Joy and said just get off at Coventry you'll be ok, naturally. After talks with the group i realised i was still valid within the West Midlands because i had my Just 15 from this morning and with the £0.00 excess i was free, however the Guard wasn't keen on me stopping, very home warming. So off me and Alice got at Coventry while the rest buzzed on to New Street.
Basically, the inspector (not the guard - he didn't do anything) was wrong. The problem is when you have inspectors who refuse to look at the manual. I wonder if it's legal for them to charge extra and refuse to honour a contract while refusing to read the terms of that contract? I'd push it as it sounds like they're acting against the Trade descriptions act.

Anyway, you're fighting for passenger rights, you're in the right, so I hope you win and I hope the inspector gets told politely that he needs to act differently in future!

Ironic that you were valid yet given a notice to pay more money, yet the person who was totally invalid got away with it completely. But that's the thing - they go for the 'easy targets'.

The train not stopping at Rugby was great for you, however, as it meant you could continue to Coventry on the 87 at no extra cost.

NickW - Nice photo, there is time to submit it to POTW if you're quick!


Established Member
3 Mar 2006
In my opinion 87s left us on Friday June 10th 2005 It will never be the same again :( It is impossible for something to rise from the dead...

Did this diagram not raise from the dead???

No matter how much you stick your nose up at it, its still 110mph(+!) WCML Class 87 Haulage on a service train. It might not be S47 or the Royal Scot, but it IS 87 haulage when the mileage books had been retired.

December probably will be the end of the end, but this diagram is a cracking "indian summer", something I never thought we'd get after the joke that was 10/6/05.
Also, if that was "finishing date" you don't count 87013 Crewe-Euston and back then? Or 87s to barking, Norwich, York, WCML van trains....?
No, its not the same, but something is always better than nothing...
Beggars cant be choosers
oh, and also the paint don't pull the train

All in the opinion of Mr.87015 :D


Established Member
26 Nov 2005
Birmingham, UK
Thanks Yorkie. Yeah i will mention everything about my ticket and how it says on the travel line that Savers from Flexistone Felixstowe to Rugby are valid on the outward leg so i will also mention that. No the Inspector didn't bother to check and i even asked but he refused and just written the bill out without phoning, he only rang to check my name and addy was right and the rest of the calls was for person number 2. Colin Taylor was the TTI's name (if he even is one) so i got his number, signature and everything else so i will post this off with a letter and print outs from the Virgin Website and send off tomorrow morning recorded delivery so i know they got it.

Thanks again though for your help :). I'll keep you all informed when i know.


6 Jun 2005
Ironic day for me really, headed from St Pancras to Euston to help Mark out with his excess which in the end turned out ok for Mark but could of gone a little better. Anyway onto the 87 I got and just before Watford a RPI and guard ask me and Ascot to accompany them to the next coach down as apparently our tickets weren't valid for this train. So after a long talk with address checks etc. Mark is issued with a UPFN and sent back to the other coach whereas the RPI seems to of taken a shining to my APTIS blanks and rare ticket issues and is taking them to the guard for his opinion on them. In the end I'm escorted off the train at Coventry to answer some more questions. In the end after approximately just over an hour I'm told that no further action to be taken no UPFN or anything and that I will be in care of the guard back to Euston, and guess what the next train back to London was.... THE 87. So I'm instructed by the guard to go sit down in standard so I find the group who almost can't believe its me and wondering what I'm doing back on. Anyway Mark finds out that in the end he was left with a £21.55 excess wheras I get nothing and a free trip back to London. although Mark's appeal should easily be appealable.


8 Jun 2005
Waiting in some far corner of the country for a 37
Did this diagram not raise from the dead???

No matter how much you stick your nose up at it, its still 110mph(+!) WCML Class 87 Haulage on a service train. It might not be S47 or the Royal Scot, but it IS 87 haulage when the mileage books had been retired.

December probably will be the end of the end, but this diagram is a cracking "indian summer", something I never thought we'd get after the joke that was 10/6/05.
Also, if that was "finishing date" you don't count 87013 Crewe-Euston and back then? Or 87s to barking, Norwich, York, WCML van trains....?
No, its not the same, but something is always better than nothing...
Beggars cant be choosers
oh, and also the paint don't pull the train

All in the opinion of Mr.87015 :D

but all de-named all now celebrities of one sort of another its just not the same... To me its over with some of the best named ones now scrapped the WCML will never be the same again...:(


11 Aug 2005
Ashton, Lancashire
but all de-named all now celebrities of one sort of another its just not the same... To me its over with some of the best named ones now scrapped the WCML will never be the same again...:(

Well look who's a misery-guts!!! You should be happy that there is a still two class 1 "seven" workings a day! Or would you rahter them all sit in a scrapyard now that they've been de-named??!! Odd Logic!!


Forum Staff
Staff Member
8 Jun 2005
Surely the name is a very minor point, shouldn't the fact that they're still running be more important? :p


Established Member
3 Mar 2006
But there not the same. Where is Thane of Fife, Howard of Effingham, Knight of the Thistle etc... But its good that 22 and 28 have both had there proper names put back on its s pity they see so little use these days :(

They are finished as premier electric traction on 1S47, 1M08, 1S57 etc, such is "progress", get on with what we got...which aint much

At the end of the day, at the most all you have is a month left of passenger workings on G21/B05, and that could well be the end of your 87s full stop. 022/028 - OTMR may be a problem come January...


Veteran Member
19 Jun 2005
Nowhere Heath
An 87 fan moaning about 87s working still, that's mad.

Personally I LOVED the bash with 87006 back on 03/10/2006 from B'ham International - B'ham NS. Pity I couldn't do even more of it, but hey! I just need to try and get on it again! E-fire it was, here's hoping I find a chance to do it again!


Established Member
7 Jun 2005
Marwell Zoo
Lookout, Craig, your name will go on the 'list' if you make comments like that........ oh wait, it's already on there ;)


Established Member
26 Nov 2005
Birmingham, UK
This evening i got a letter from them saying they have popped the fare up to £36.25 because i haven't payed or anything. Well after sending a letter about 4 days after i had the fine sent recorded delivery and also they had receved the letter, they will be getting a lovely phone call from me during my brake time. I can very well see this going to court at this rate.


Veteran Member
19 Jun 2005
Nowhere Heath
Fight the power!

Surely if a Saver fare is advertised as valid on any Virgin Trains service when holding a Y-P, and if it is advertised as a valid fare on the 1651, then they are surely in the wrong?

Mind, that sounds typical of the way things go in this day and age. Something is right one minute and isn't the next.

I personally want to get the 87 in on the 1651 off Euston myself sometime, however if they're going to be kicking up a similar fuss to this if I board with a Saver, then it's not worth it!

:protest: Savers valid from Felixstowe to Rugby! :protest:


11 Aug 2005
Ashton, Lancashire
Fight the power!

Surely if a Saver fare is advertised as valid on any Virgin Trains service when holding a Y-P, and if it is advertised as a valid fare on the 1651, then they are surely in the wrong?

Mind, that sounds typical of the way things go in this day and age. Something is right one minute and isn't the next.

I personally want to get the 87 in on the 1651 off Euston myself sometime, however if they're going to be kicking up a similar fuss to this if I board with a Saver, then it's not worth it!

:protest: Savers valid from Felixstowe to Rugby! :protest:

It wasn't a Y-P, he was on a child ticket WSX Fan, under "most" circumstances the RPI would have been correct (as the majority of (non railcard) adult/ child svr's are not valid peak time out of Euston) , but if you read the previous detailed posts explaining the possible "mis-print" regarding the ticket validities, it shows Mark has a case as according to that document, his ticket was valid. But unless you read the document (which the RPI, Colin Taylor didn't do) it would give the impression of not being valid. So it is not really as cut and dried as one may think on the surface - and Virgin may well have a case?
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