I was with the lads at the Farringdon end and we were getting perilously short of water, we were already way behind on progress and there was no sign of the EGO 4 trolley we'd sent to Kings Crosss to fill our buckets. I noticed someone at the access point up towards Farringdon station, it looked like the access owners again and they looked fairly animated. I'm rather ashamed to say that I was pleased to have the excuse of walking up to Kings cross to see where the water had got to! As I was walking up towards the end of the first tunnel the noise of the drilling was dying away and I had 'that' feeling of being followed. I gave myself a stiff talking to. I quickly became sure that I could hear footsteps behind me. Turning round I could quite distinctly see the shadow of a figure in the glare from a signal about a hundred yards behind me. "Hello", thought I, "It looks like I'm going to have to deal with our complainant after all and give him a ticking off for trespas at the same time!".