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  • Hi ive been looking on the forum and saw your post im looking for a pts sponsor im in the Doncaster area and finding it really hard to find 1 hope you can help
    Hello mate can you tell me some company's that will sponsor me for my pts please I have very good experience in cable pulling and construction
    Hay thanks i really appreciate all the help and for taking time out to help best regards The One
    There a company called intertrain and they offer free courses etc this includes PTS track induction etc.Its worth contacting them if very least they can put you on the right path
    London office email is [email protected] and office number is 01302 815550
    Or you got Doncaster Warrington Birmingham email address [email protected] with same office phone number hope this will help
    No hoping not to reloacte I'm done there on next Thursday so fingers crossed all the best for next week

    Yes I am doing all the tests. With the exception of the mechanical test, they are all similar to those I took 8 years ago when I joined network Rail. So fingers crossed I will be OK again!!

    Will you have to relocate?

    I believe that all the training is usually done at Hornsey TMD, but at the mo it is full up!!

    If successful, I am hoping to get a room near Hornsey, just in case there are early starts involved during the traction training.

    I am going to Fleet Street on 9th June for assessment.
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