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Search results

  1. P

    Donald Trump and the aftermath of his presidency

    Unfortunately the damage from Trump will be temporary (4 or 8 years max) whereas Brexit will destroy the UK for many, many years to come.
  2. P

    Thameslink/ Class 700 Progress

    Earlier today (can't remember the unit) the doors closed at City Thameslink and the door closing chime kept beeping all the way till Blackfriars
  3. P

    HS2 in the press

    Just heard an idiot on local radio claim HS2 is bad for the environment because there's no third rail so the trains have to run on "petrol"
  4. P

    Class 345 progress

    They could literally have copied the (excellent IMHO) Julie Berry announcements from the 315s. Very clear, concise and a pleasant voice. Not this jittery crap
  5. P

    Class 345 progress

    The PIS is pretty awful. The short announcements seem jerky and weird, and don't flow well
  6. P

    Class 345 progress

    Sounds like Celia Drummond to me. Very similar to her recently re-recorded ones on the Northern Line.
  7. P

    London Bridge incident (03/06)

    100% Those "hug a Muslim" things are pathetic stunts which try to divert attention away from the real problem of radical Islam
  8. P

    Theresa May calls General Election on 8th June.

    Labour's current position on Trident is somewhat ridiculous. They basically support renewal as a sop to the union workers/unions in the shipyards, and yet are asking people to vote for a man who has no intention of using it. They are taking the public for fools
  9. P

    Theresa May calls General Election on 8th June.

    Corbyn really struggled on the nuke questions
  10. P

    Theresa May calls General Election on 8th June.

    May seems more calm and confident with Dimbleby. Much less jerky than last time
  11. P

    Next Labour leader?- and when?? (guessing game)

    If the moderates put up someone like Owen Smith again he's guaranteed to lose. He seemed totally disingenuous, trying to pretend he was just as "radical" (whatever the hell that means) as Corbyn in the hopes of trying to win votes. It was really sad to watch
  12. P

    Theresa May calls General Election on 8th June.

    The problem with Corbyn is not only himself but the type of environment he has fostered within the Labour Party. Full of conspiracy theorists, communists, trots and anti-Semites. Just look at the immediate "Zionist" charges labelled at any (particularly female) reporter who questions him
  13. P

    Next Labour leader?- and when?? (guessing game)

    If, as seems somewhat likely, Labour gets wiped out the moderates in swing seats are the most likely to lose, meaning the hard left faction of the PLP will grow. They'll likely nominate Corbyn again, or some other Corbyn crony like Long-Bailey or McDonnell
  14. P

    Liberal Democratic Party - Why do they continue

    As a proud LibDem I must say Farron is a terrible leader. Clegg was much better. Farron was asked by Andrew Neil if he would rule out a coalition with Labour, and his answer was really wishy washy and weak. He needs to make it clear that the LibDems stand for values which in many instances...
  15. P

    Theresa May calls General Election on 8th June.

    The Tory campaign really seems to be disintegrating. I still expect them to win, but I suspect their majority won't be very large, so it will basically be a humiliation for May. To be honest I think the Tories deserve to be humiliated as May's arrogance and refusal to face the public is really...
  16. P

    Donald Trump and the aftermath of his presidency

    In my opinion the larger issue is the decline of the Republican party into a quasi-fascist racist group, in many ways becoming a terrorist organisation, determined to undo anything and everything Obama did.
  17. P

    Random thoughts

    I really hate it when people paint over screws. Seems to be happening more and more these days as people want to finish paint jobs quickly but it really looks sloppy and can cause trouble in the future.
  18. P

    Theresa May calls General Election on 8th June.

    I just watched May's Q&A and she looked so awkward and unnatural. Her movements were jerky and weird and she kept stopping mid sentence etc. Really unsettling...
  19. P

    Theresa May calls General Election on 8th June.

    LibDems on 9 would mean no net change. But I think Vince Cable will win back his old seat in Twickenham, offset by perhaps Norman Lamb losing his leave-voting Norfolk seat
