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  1. W

    Northern franchise awarded to Arriva.

    The Barrow -MIA service could run via Bolton once Westhoughton is wired ?
  2. W

    Northern franchise awarded to Arriva.

    Won't be EMU into Wallgate as there's no plans to electrify into Wallgate.
  3. W

    Northern franchise awarded to Arriva.

    The feeling I'm getting from freinds, is that both unions are also gearing up for a long and bitter dispute mainly over DCO but also other issues they feel may arise.
  4. W

    Northern franchise awarded to Arriva.

    Hitachi AT-200 rumor seems to be doing the rounds.
  5. W

    Northern franchise awarded to Arriva.

    Press report on new Arriva franchise for Northern.
  6. W

    Paris to Girona staff fares ?

    If I could ask what was the priv fare ?
  7. W

    Northern franchise awarded to Arriva.

    Interesting times ahead. Funnily enough the Safety Director and head of operational Safety who have "left" Northern in the last 18 months may end up back there as they were part of the original ATN Management team.
  8. W

    Paris to Girona staff fares ?

    Thanks 158801
  9. W

    Paris to Girona staff fares ?

    Does anyone know roughly how much a return priv fare is for the Direct service . IR tell me there are no staff fares and Rail Canterbury tell me it is £ 135 which is more expensive than the public fare of £92 and also would Kids get a reduced priv fare ?
  10. W

    Northern Rail , what now for the Guard ?

    I meant retained as conventional Guards , not transfered or promoted into other roles or a downgraded position in term's of responsibility.
  11. W

    Northern Rail , what now for the Guard ?

    I agree with Arctic Troll to a degree. I think the Toc's are gearing up for a fight on this issue and are alongside the Dft determined to win. Redundancy for ex BR staff though will be a very expensive process. How many of the Toc's current 1000 (ish) Guards can realistically expect to stay as...
  12. W

    Northern Rail , what now for the Guard ?

    I think if you look at the proposed new orders that have been suggested . DCO will occur where new DMU and EMU trains are planned to run. Notably , Chat Moss, Calder Valley, Cheshire lines , Leeds- Nottingham, Lincoln-Nottingham, Sheffield - Scarborough, MIA- Blackpool, Barrow and Windermere?
  13. W

    Northern Rail , what now for the Guard ?

    I agree to an extent, to be fair I hear the Union are about to present the company a document with their own idea of what a Conductor/Guard should be trained on and to what standard. I welcome this If it's true as it would show the Union to be demonstrating staffs value rather than just saying a...
  14. W

    Northern Rail , what now for the Guard ?

    Fair comment Neil. The difference between DOO and DCO is a subtle but significant one. FOr one an RPA is paid significantly less than a Guard and also as a grade carries no industrial strength. I understand change will happen but wondered if there are my crumbs of comfort in all this for...
  15. W

    Northern Rail , what now for the Guard ?

    The bid has to contain a minimum of 50% Doo/Dco to meet the ITT. If Arriva hadn't committed to that , they wouldn't have won the franchise
  16. W

    Northern Rail , what now for the Guard ?

    Considering the Arriva Northern franchise announcement , is there still a role for the Guard in a conventional sense ? I can see Skipton, Leeds and Doncaster depots suffering on the east in terms of the Guard grade and Liverpool , Piccadilly , Wigan and Blackpool on the west. I've heard that...
  17. W

    DOO on Northern and general discussion on future staffing arrangements

    I have no idea what Irish railways do sorry. I would imagine if DOO is in operation the Diesel units they have are all connectin walkthrough and have sdo ?. Plus I would imagine nearly if not all stations are manned ?. I know on Northern Ireland services that they have quite new diesel units...
  18. W

    DOO on Northern and general discussion on future staffing arrangements

    I've always said there is nothing worse than a right wing railwayman/woman.
  19. W

    DOO on Northern and general discussion on future staffing arrangements

    Are you in the Union Moonshot, and if so Why ?
