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Search results

  1. Boxcars

    Competition 306 :: Voting

    I apologise for my "all out attack" eh? [scratches head] I really like picture four. I resign from Photo Of The Week.
  2. Boxcars

    Competition 306 :: Voting

    Apologies to minette, but it did fit the category in my opinion, and I DID vote for it. Apologies too to curly42. Of course I was not really really trying to wind anyone up, and yes, strangely, I was being serious. Why do you ask that? Obviously, with 50 years experience, your opinion is right...
  3. Boxcars

    Competition 306 :: Voting

    I think you might be missing something here :) I personally can feel the motion much more in number 4 than I can in number 9 :wink:
  4. Boxcars

    Competition 306 :: Voting

    I tend not to like really blurred photos that show motion so it was between 4, 11 and 14 for me this week and I've decided to vote for number 4.
  5. Boxcars

    unfriendly stations

    Stevenage station was mentioned on page 1. I went to Stevenage, from Cambridge, during the last week of December with my brother. We had been on the platform for no more than ten minutes and I had taken four photos with my mobile phone (no flash). To our astonishment there was an announcement...
  6. Boxcars

    Competition 247 :: Voting

    My thoughts exactly
  7. Boxcars

    Competition 246 :: Voting

    It was number 1 all the way for me this week until I got to number 14. Both are great shots but I'm going with 14.
  8. Boxcars

    Competition 245 :: Voting

    I agree on both counts (and 13 is the winner). To me number twelve looks like a class 52 that's got shrunk in the wash and, oh yes, I've just noticed an arm. When voting is over (so as not to give the entrant's name away) I'd like to know where it was taken (and I do like the photo BTW)
  9. Boxcars

    Competition 245 :: Voting

    13 for me this week :)
  10. Boxcars

    Competition 244 :: Voting

    Nice one David
  11. Boxcars

    Forthcoming updates....

    Thank you very much
  12. Boxcars

    Competition 244 :: Voting

    Hi minette :D I can explain (sort of!) What attracted me to number 12 was what you didn't like. I liked the sharpness (crispness) of it. Plus . . . I bet my partner a fiver that it would get more votes than her fave which was number 4. I think my money's safe :wink:
  13. Boxcars

    Competition 244 :: Voting

    I hope you're right :wink:
  14. Boxcars

    Competition 244 :: Voting

  15. Boxcars

    Competition 244 :: Voting

    I was going to vote for number 6, good old D0280 "Falcon" :smile:, but then I got to photo number 12. It's the best in my opinion so I'm voting for 12 (and I'm definitely NOT voting for the traction in this one) :wink: (sorry 153 lovers)
  16. Boxcars

    Which is the best train sim for...?

    ............... it's the only one you need to :wink:
  17. Boxcars

    Competition 243 :: Voting

    I liked a lot of these this week but I have to vote for my favourite . . . 9
  18. Boxcars

    Which is the best train sim for...?

    BVE without a shadow of a doubt :D
  19. Boxcars

    Competition 242 :: Voting

    Definitely number 2
  20. Boxcars

    Competition 241 :: Voting

    Well I liked numbers 2 and 4 the best (not because, being older, I prefer steam because I don't). I really thought number 2 was the best (to me anyway).
