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Search results

  1. J

    Longest Heritage Railway extension

    Worth highlighting that Angus Council is currently running a consultation on a possible extension of the Caledonian Railway from Bridge of Dun to Montrose. https://engage.angus.gov.uk/brechin-active-travel-tourism-and-heritage-improvements
  2. J

    Dundee West - last train

    I believe the last train from this station was the 8pm to Glasgow Buchanan St (on Saturday 1st May 1965), but does anyone know any more details? Was the identity of the loco recorded? Likewise, what was the last service to arrive? I dont have access to a 1965 timetable, so cant be sure, but I...
  3. J

    Scottish Electrification updates & discussion

    There are already sections of it at 100mph. Its fairly straight and level, so I dont see why it couldnt be faster. Same with long bits of the [Perth]-Barnhill-Dundee stretch
  4. J

    Local rail services on rural lines in Scotland

    The 15.00 EDI-ARB does delay the following 15.28 EDI-ABD between Carnoustie and Arbroath, even when running on time. There's just not enough capacity.
  5. J

    Abolish Railcards

    Railfuture did some research on a National Railcard a few years ago - they've long campaigned for one. I seem to recall that suggested a £30 cost and a 50% discount (for off peak fares) would actually produce the biggest net increase in receipts (all options did so). Cant see why that isnt still...
  6. J

    East Lancs Railway

    Surely people go to Diesel Galas to relive the experiences of the 1970s and 80s? Wouldnt "being warm" be a modern rejection of that?
  7. J

    If HS2 was canned, how could infrastructure be improved on the south WCML?

    The best way to improve the southern end of the WCML is to add more capacity. An extra pair of tracks, where the fast express services could use, freeing up the current 4-track railway for semi-fast and stopping passengers - and more importantly freight. This would allow many more places to be...
  8. J

    ScotRail HST Introduction - Updates & Discussion

    Seems operators cant get anything right. One big complaint I've seen is that the disabled spaces are next to the disabled toilet. So when they're put at the opposite end of the coach, theres complaints.
  9. J

    ScotRail HST Introduction - Updates & Discussion

    Noticed that. First day this year that both my trains were 170s. Also - they were both one of the unbranded ones that will be going off-lease in May.
  10. J

    Station Usage 2018/19

    I've noticed that there are no interchanges recorded at Montrose, but the new timetable introduced in December 18 meant that people in Aberdeenshire who previously had a direct train to Glasgow/Edinburgh now had to change at Montrose. And despite the increase in the number of trains serving...
  11. J

    Scotland's Railway - Potential Enhancement Options

    I can only speak of the two near me that I am most familiar with, but I doubt the others are much different: Staff tend to be ex-local authority, and hence come from a road background. Board members include councillors, who again tend to have a road bias. The result is there isnt the political...
  12. J

    Scotland's Railway - Potential Enhancement Options

    I dont think they are opposed, per se, so much as very luke warm on the idea. To be honest, I've not come across any of the regional transport partnerships that are overly keen on rail reopenings.
  13. J

    Scotland's Railway - Potential Enhancement Options

    Dont think thats been adopted as a national scheme yet. Its still at the "local authorities must back it" stage.
  14. J

    ScotRail HST Introduction - Updates & Discussion

    I dont know if I'm tempting fate, but all week this week I have had HST sets - about half of them have been refurbs. This is substantially the best period in over a year. Also, it feels as if the drivers have finally got used to the new traction as well. They are often turning up early...
  15. J

    Scotland's Railway - Potential Enhancement Options

    I think the big driver for south sub electrification is for freight traffic to be electric hauled throughout and routed away from Waverley/Haymarket. There arnt that many freight bi-mode locos, so it should still be viable.
  16. J

    Could the existing SWR inner suburban "metro" services transfer to TfL control?

    Grayling has failings at Justice? Shome mishtake shurely?
  17. J

    ScotRail HST Introduction - Updates & Discussion

    I think you may be right. Every journey I've made this week has been on an HST - half of them on a refurb set as well. Think the drivers have been getting to grips with the performance as well, as slight delays have been recovered easily, whereas before Christmas, it always seemed that a late...
  18. J

    ScotRail HST Introduction - Updates & Discussion

    So each set will take 25% longer to appear?
  19. J

    Auto Delay Repay to the Rescue

    I submit all my claims online. And while I've had the odd claim resolved in 2/3 days most are around the 3 week mark. Payment usually follows 3 or 4 days after that. ScotRail is often virtually instant, and usually within 24 hours. Payment is always instant.
  20. J

    Auto Delay Repay to the Rescue

    Depends on what you mean by promptly! LNER take, on average in my experience 10-11 days to decide, and then payment isnt immediate - I usually get the compensation 3 weeks after the claim. Although CrossCountry is even worse....
