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Search results

  1. C

    Expansion of LNER 70-min flex trial area ("Simpler Fares")

    There is no guaranteed availability of the Flex tickets. The only ticket guaranteed to be available under this trial is the Anytime.
  2. C

    LNER to pilot removal of Off-Peak tickets

    My (Labour) MP, on an LNER route has written back to me and so far is essentially ignoring my request for them to go to Haigh about the trial, instead relying on some copy-and-paste lines about how GBR will make it all better.
  3. C

    National rail ticketing redirected to Great Northern rail

    That's probably the issue. Should really redirect to Northern for all these flows as they serve every West Yorkshire station. (For clarity to the thread creator that's NOT Great Northern a completely different operator in the south!)
  4. C

    West Yorkshire Rover, validity area and gap between Gtr M and WY?

    Yes a WY Family Daysaver is also valid for one adult travelling alone or with one other adult.
  5. C

    LNER to pilot removal of Off-Peak tickets

    I have written to my new MP explaining the 'Simpler Fares' trial and asking them to raise it with the Transport Secretary to ensure it is ended and Off Peak fares guaranteed. I live on an LNER route and I would suggest anyone who uses LNER services should write to their MPs in a similar manner.
  6. C

    West Yorkshire Rover, validity area and gap between Gtr M and WY?

    For anyone else finding this thread, hopefully a useful summary of the day saver products in West Yorkshire West Yorkshire DaySaver tickets are valid on a zonal basis for rail, centred on Leeds. Tickets covering all zones 1-5 include travel between all stations in West Yorkshire and...
  7. C

    TPE pricing oddities from Castleford

    TPE has now changed the 'Via Leeds' route to 'Via Castleford or Leeds' from Wakefield and Normanton to York. They have not yet resolved the issue for destinations beyond York.
  8. C

    Followed advice of conductor to our detriment

    Yes but the practicalities are that Northern wants to deter ticketless travel so their revenue staff are unlikely to accept verbal claims at face value, and the inconvenience and risks of challenging a penalty fare or other demand will usually exceed the inconvenience of buying a ticket first.
  9. C

    Followed advice of conductor to our detriment

    You will probably understand that, without having any written authority from the train manager, the revenue staff at Leeds had no idea whether you were telling the truth or not. You should also be aware that it was your responsibility to buy a ticket at Shipley station (e.g. at the ticket...
  10. C

    Leeds no trains running - over-running engineering works 2/6

    It's OK, I have a 10am appointment to make and no other option to be able to make it.
  11. C

    Leeds no trains running - over-running engineering works 2/6

    Northern decided to cancel all stops between Leeds and Doncaster on its first train so I've had to give up and take an Uber.
  12. C

    Leeds no trains running - over-running engineering works 2/6

    I'm trying to get to Doncaster, no luck for ECML services yet!
  13. C

    Leeds no trains running - over-running engineering works 2/6

    There are currently no trains running through Leeds 'due to engineering works not being finished on time'.
  14. C

    Train stopping short & doors been opened

    You could always FOI them for records and correspondence relating to it. There will be redactions but likely to result in a better understanding. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/body/northern
  15. C

    Can children travel on adult tickets?

    I have no experience with this, but imagine it would be easier if bought online and collected rather than going to a ticket office that might have invented their own rules. I don't see why it shouldn't be valid because it is a standard price adult ticket with heavily discounted child tickets.
  16. C

    West Yorkshire off-peak bus and train Daysaver

    Any rail ticket office should be able to sell this as a paper ticket, it's called 'WY DAYSAVER TRAIN & BUS' Northern TVMs sell it as has been mentioned
  17. C

    TPE pricing oddities from Castleford

    TPE have responded to me that they are working on putting in a 'Not Via Doncaster' fare route for Wakefield-York. There is no ETA and it is unclear whether they are simply repurposing the 'Via Leeds' fares or creating another route (hope not with how many there already are!)
  18. C

    LNER to pilot removal of Off-Peak tickets

    Glasgow to London (Routed Any Permitted)? But this is marginally more expensive than off peak singles using Manors. Don't know if there's anything cheaper.
  19. C

    Northern Rail - Caught 30 mins earlier train

    Your tickets weren't valid for that train. I don't know why you were apparently expecting that permission to board would mean permission to use an invalid ticket. When buying on your app it would have clearly stated something like 'specified train only' for the ticket you selected.
