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Search results

  1. A

    Low bridge adjacent to level crossing

    An observation about the road layout: although the road markings show the underpass as the main carriageway and the crossing as leaving & re-joining it, the physical layout is that the crossing is the straight-line route which the road through the underpass leaves and re-joins. So you've got a...
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    How long in advance to arrive for Eurostar

    My most recent experience, around Easter this year, is that they do enforce the 30-minute cut off: travelling with my mum (in her 70s) to visit family in Brussels, she was delayed on the tube and just missed that 30-minute time, and so the automatic ticket barriers rejected her ticket. Staff...
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    Trivia -Station names that form the answer to a question

    Where would a group of ceramicists go for a round of drinks? Potters Bar What do you shout to a fictional flying ace who's just crash-landed in the sea? Biggleswade
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    Harringay station closed northbound this week (22-28 Jan) - "urgent bridge repairs"

    This morning, Great Northern announced that northbound trains wouldn't be calling at Harringay, as the bridge requires urgent repairs (from https://twitter.com/GNRailUK/status/1617065745011064833): The current alert at...
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    Trivia: Stations that serve a completely different purpose to when they first opened

    Would it be fair to say that Farringdon was originally built to serve Smithfield Market? In which case, it's been a while since it handled trainloads of meat. (Insert obvious jokes here about passenger overcrowding or clubbers going to/from Fabric...)
  6. A

    Crossrail - operating discussion and opening day 24th May

    BBC Radio London had a beautiful bit of timing by their live reporter on the first train out of Abbey Wood: (1hr 32mins into the 5am breakfast show: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0c3yxlt)
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    Oyster PAYG touch in/out on validator

    Surely the purpose of that sign is to discourage people from queueing up at the validators in the passageway and causing congestion, rather than to do with whether tapping out there upsets the gateline? When Finsbury Park only had barriers on some of the mainline platforms, regular users would...
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    St Ives branch improvements

    The direct link to the press release with those photos is https://www.networkrailmediacentre.co.uk/news/thousands-of-extra-seats-to-st-ives-following-west-cornwall-rail-upgrades - for the platform extensions, they say:
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    Trivia:Obsolete stations names

    Haringey vs Harringay isn't a spelling confusion: Harringay is a local area (which gives its name to two stations) within the larger borough of Haringey (see e.g. https://harringayonline.com/page/harringay-vs-haringey-vs-harringaygreenlanes from a local community site, which somehow manages to...
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    Crossrail - Construction updates and progress towards opening (now expected 24 May 2022)

    IanVisits is suggesting that opening at the end of April is on the cards: ("A few weeks after Easter" and "the end of April" are roughly the same point this year.) If those timings do happen, I wonder if they'll do an "official grand opening" a month later to coincide with the jubilee events?
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    Issues when paying fare with a foreign bank card

    Is it worth mentioning that away from the railways, in small businesses it's increasing common to see card readers that don't have a magstripe reader at all, and so can only handle chip or contactless payments?
  12. A

    Great Bradford Wood Crossing disused ?

    From what others have said about this location, no. A permissive path is a path that the landowner allows the public to use, but that's not a public right of way. If a path is used as a public right of way then it can become one, so putting up "permissive path" signs, or having a permissive path...
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    Trivia: Stations named after countries.

    SCNF has the Pyrenean station of Andorre-L'Hospitalet, which is not only named after Andorra, it is the station that (via a bus link) serves Andorra
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    Fantasy: Create your own hyperloop route anywhere in the world

    How about a route linking the residences & private islands of a certain group of billionaires to the Kennedy Space Centre, all funding to be sourced privately by them?
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    Trivia: Rail journeys between stations where the shortest route is not the quickest

    Cambridge to London is one: the route to Liverpool Street is shorter, but Kings Cross is faster.
  16. A

    Longest period of "repair awaited"?

    On the London Underground, Mornington Crescent was "temporarily closed for refurbishment" for most of the 1990s (wiki says October '92 to April '98) because of problems with its lifts.
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    (Trivia) Stations with 3 reversals or more per hour

    Indeed - Eastbourne has 6 reversals per hour off-peak (Ore-London Victoria, Ore-Brighton, Brighton-Hastings, London Victoria-Ore, Hastings-Brighton, Brighton-Ore), plus two terminating & two starting.
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    6Z54 Derails Leyton Midland Road 23/01

    Network Rail have Tweeted "extensive damage has been caused to the track which will take several days to repair", along with some photos, copies attached.
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    Unusual amenities at stations

    I'm not sure that it really counts as an "amenity", but I think that the "Geranium Train" at Alexandra Palace deserves a mention...
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    Freight Pacers

    I'm sure that plenty of them will end up carrying freight - once they've been chopped up, melted down, & turned into baked bean cans! :p
