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Search results

  1. R

    First win Intercity West Coast franchise

    Yes, it was supposed to be signed on Tuesday, but was deffered to Thursday Virgin Rail Group refused to attend, and as a result sign
  2. R

    First win Intercity West Coast franchise

    No, each franchise applicant would have obtained heads of terms agreements with suitable contractors, so that they could include the costs in their franchise bid Virgin Rail Group plan was to order 21 EMU and dispose of the Voyager This is one of the costs involved when placing a franchise...
  3. R

    Booked seat doesn't exist?

    If you allow me 24 hours I can check and confirm this with Cross Country for you, as I now have direct access to their services
  4. R

    First West Coast service pattern

    Surely this would come under Cross Country, rather than West Coast Ironically, West Coast could operate such a service, but they don't and haven't for many years (ie Euston - Birmingham - Manchester)
  5. R

    Delay compansation on rover tickets

    This TOC has made an error on this second claim, and their calculation is incorrect on the first one I have already established the compensation is based on 50% of a return fare (as appropriate), or 100% of a single fare if is cheaper So if the delay is rated at 50%, you then receive 25% of...
  6. R

    First win Intercity West Coast franchise

    Yes, and such information can be removed I have made several FOI requests and in many cases there are big black lines where the useful information obviously was (commercially sensitive) Oddly Richard Branson advised he would publish details of what the Virgin Rail Group bid was (in terms...
  7. R

    First West Coast service pattern

    Yes, that is correct and First Group will already have received the proposed WCML timetable (as specified) and simply need to confirm this, by September
  8. R

    Draft IEP Train Layouts

    Have you tried the dual airline seats in a Class 390? They really don't work, it's like sitting in a parcel
  9. R

    Draft IEP Train Layouts

    There are already mostly single airline seats in first, each coach only has one single table for 2 --- old post above --- --- new post below --- The contract is for the 5 and 9 coach versions The original plan (June 2010) was also for an 8 coach version, but this has since been dumped The...
  10. R

    First win Intercity West Coast franchise

    I couldn't contain my laughter when I read this (running the franchise beyond its expiry, either at no-cost or with the profits going to charity) Firstly, I have never heard of any government contract having this applied If First Group agreed to postponing the signing of contracts and...
  11. R

    Draft IEP Train Layouts

    Looks like this Press Release was overlooked : http://www.dft.gov.uk/publications/draft-iep-train-layouts/ (Normal Density) I am rather disappointed by the First Class seating layout, compared to the HST they are replacing With just one table of 2 per coach, the remaining single seats...
  12. R

    First West Coast service pattern

    Yes, it is on the Network Rail website I have also uploaded a copy I am just waiting on the update which includes the ICWC services, due September
  13. R

    First win Intercity West Coast franchise

    Not so much that, but it is the method on which the franchises are based The DfT receive a premium, which is between 5 and 60 times the profit taken by the franchise holder Equally, the premium increases over the length of the franchise, and it is this later stage where the franchise...
  14. R

    "Seat reservations essential"

    Mandatory Reservations were reintroduced by BR in the late 1980s It was mainly for peak services, where demand was high and where manual barriers were in operation Announcements would also be made that a seat reservation was mandatory However on the train itself it was still possible to...
  15. R

    First win Intercity West Coast franchise

    Sadly the franchising process does not work like this, the bid was placed by Virgin Rail Group, and so could not be retrospectively considered to either Virgin Group or Stagecoach Group (and the relevant newly created subsidiary) However, now that Virgin Rail Group has effectively announced...
  16. R

    First win Intercity West Coast franchise

    First Group have been awarded the InterCity West Coast franchise, that is the end of the matter DfT have the process in place to finalise the contract on Tuesday 28 August 2012 The government (parliament and respective committees) can debate the issue all they want, nothing will change...
  17. R

    First West Coast service pattern

    Go to page 92 : http://assets.dft.gov.uk/publications/intercity-west-coast-franchise-itt/invitation-to-tender-main-document.pdf Glasgow / Preston services will not be calling at Nuneaton Milton Keynes is served only by Wolverhampton, Birmingham NS (every second service, alternate calls...
  18. R

    First West Coast service pattern

    The Blackpool service is being achieved by swapping what is currently a Class 390 for a Class 221 (service currently lightly loaded between Euston and Preston) The Class 221 is currently at capacity, on its current diagram As above, the Bolton electrification should be completed in late...
  19. R

    Souter to step down as Stagecoach chief

    He's hardly stepping down, looks more like he is taking a time out after what has effectively been a period of three years consolidation Ann and Brian used to swap roles regularly (MD, Chairman, and CEO), usually after a preriod of consolidation The following year there would be several...
  20. R

    Alnmouth Station

    If you are using the station regularly, I would suggest you write directly to Northern Rail for an explanation to the low level of service and maintenance, with details of the date of each visit and the lack of any change It would be interesting to see their response
