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  1. S

    GA letter to Therese Coffey MP re v poor Felixtowe service recently

    IIRC there was uproar when an express bus was proposed for off peak times!! I have been along there and the A14 has been a car park due to an accident, the trains I worked were busier than usual as people turned to the only viable alterantive!! An express bus that gets stuck in traffic isn't...
  2. S

    Nifty use of Avantix?

    We only get taught the basics, ie ticket selection with railcards etc and how to do timetables and pairing of equipment, plus there is only so much we ca actually access on the things. They are well overdue replacement as they are incredibly bulky and at times incredibly dimwitted and slow...
  3. S

    Hull Trains issues 6.5.14

    Crossover... I was working that GC set and well remember it!!
  4. S

    Whats Going on in Ipswich Yard?

    To get the new link from the East Suffolk to the Yard they have lowered the UP line under the main arch to the same level as the new track under the single arch. You don't really notice it on the train but when you look out the back/side you can see the difference in levels!
  5. S

    Whats Going on in Ipswich Yard?

    The new line under the small arch is lower because the that arch is considerably lower than the main arch... We are all wondering at work just how the hell it is going to work!
  6. S

    25kV AC vs 750V DC

    25Kv AC is cheaper overall as there is no need for a chunky conductor rail, and the number of substations on 750V DC needed to power lots of train is quite high compared to 25Kv AC. Plus 25Kv AC is safer for those who work on the ground, as they don't have to worry about tripping over it!
  7. S

    Double booked seats, Grand Central

    That will explain it then!! Where I work now we also have print at home but they seem to link with the reservation system ok...
  8. S

    Double booked seats, Grand Central

    I have seen it happen when I worked there but it was usually the print at home tickets that were double booked because for some reason they were (at the time) on a separate reservation system which of course didn't get printed out with the 'normal' reservations
  9. S

    More Bank Holiday "fun"

    Bus Lockerbie to Annan rather than Carlisle? GA have bussed Witham to Billericay rather than Witham to Shenfield
  10. S

    What does this sign mean?

    There are several on the East Suffolk still, most seem to have gained signal numbers as well during the resignalling
  11. S

    rippled railhead

    usually found near the stops on bay platforms/terminus platforms as due to the amount of rubbish that accumulates on the rail the train disappears from the track circuits, so the bit of metal on top helps to maintain the track circuit. They do sometimes crop up in other locations where it is a...
  12. S

    David Cameron samples GA 153 !

    very much doubt it was the unrefurbed one as that was the one that got marooned at Lowestoft when it flooded and is out of traffic for repairs
  13. S

    Types of sleepers used on railway bridges

    It depends on the type of bridge... One has just been replaced near me and the new one is a conctrete deck with ballast and normal sleepers, the old one was a steel girder with timber baulks for the rails to be fixed to.
  14. S

    Peterborough Station remodelling

    There are toilets on P6/7, just not in use yet, and I believe that there will be a retail outlet going in over there too. Does seem a bit odd that the messroom has clear glass in the windows, so all the punters can gawp at staff having a brew!!
  15. S

    General Storm Disruption

    Here you go... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=177849555756608&set=a.177848885756675.1073741847.100005946933087&type=1&theater
  16. S

    General Storm Disruption

    the 0700 to Norwich was indeed 2x 3 car 170s, as was the 0755, which had the Breckland unit, not the 0700! Also seen a photo of Lowestoft with the water past the axles on a 153...
  17. S

    Accidental Passcom Activation

    book or something on our phones normally, we dont just sit there staring out the window! Wakes you up when it goes off as there is absolutely no prior warning, just BUZZZZZZZZZZZ....ZZZZZ until you reset it. On the 15x you come to a stop in a heap!
  18. S

    Accidental Passcom Activation

    happens a lot on 170s in the disabled toilet, the train sways and the poor passenger ends up pushing the call for aid instead of close/open door!! I'm usually in a world of my own in the back end when it goes off!!
  19. S

    virgin voyager in multiple

    how do you get that when on a 12 car DOO set there is only the driver right up the front of the first set of 4...
  20. S

    Mk 4 East Coast Line Rolling Stock & comparison with aviation & other railways

    given that GA alone run over 1900 services a day it must be an awful lot more than internal flights!
