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  1. D

    Advice requested on staying focused

    Once something happens and it’s something new and you have an issue due to it, you should find its burned on the brain. When something happens out of the ordinary from now on I expect you’ll pay attention to the immediate task in hand. Short journey concept is really useful. Spate boards...
  2. D

    Train driver work life balance

    Averagejoe is talking sense. I’ve done shift work most of my adult life. Most of that was structured. Railway shifts are something else, I guess there’s a few other occupations like it, flying maybe? When you’re on the 4th or 5th dead early starting about 3.30 am, after a couple of random...
  3. D

    "TPWS Activation: A Driver's Reflection"

    Absolutely spot on. I drum this into my trainees.
  4. D

    Question: Shifts/Flexibility

    You will make it work between you both if it’s really what you think you want to do, may mean someone else covering for a few hours a day occasionally but you will make it work. The railway is awkward with regards to shift work, but in fairness that’s the same in many other occupations dotted...
  5. D

    SWR Driver Manager Salisbury/Basingstoke

    It was 8% extra a few years ago, as I understand it managers didn’t receive a rise for at least one year and when they did get a rise it wasn’t backdated. Happy to be corrected as it’s something the grade doesn’t really discuss so what I’ve been told has come from different parties. I’d never...
  6. D

    SWR Driver Manager Salisbury/Basingstoke

    Good question to ask in your interviews then Valentine as that’s a 707 and I’m sure I remember you being a driver here you must have a few contacts who can help?
  7. D

    SWR Driver Manager Salisbury/Basingstoke

    It’s at least on par with drivers, probably a couple of % higher. Don’t think there are many NT on the network.
  8. D

    SWR Driver Manager Salisbury/Basingstoke

    I believe the percentage has shrunk somewhat since the last pay rise. I don’t think there’s an on call allowance. Quite a lot of duty weeks involving weekend working now of early and lates. Certainly no overtime. They certainly have my respect as they work pretty darn hard. I considered if...
  9. D

    TOC to FOC

    Sounds good to me, where do I sign up?
  10. D

    Stopping slightly short of Stop Car Mark (SCM)

    It’s a safety of the line incident at my TOC even if no doors released. Have to report it.
  11. D

    Female Drivers - What's it REALLY like?

    I think that’s across the board matey. The female drivers where I am 99% of the time just like 99% of their male counterparts get on with the job and enjoy it mostly.
  12. D

    Will SWR nationalisation delay Trainee Driver jobs?

    There’s quite an extensive group of drivers who will be looking to retire in the not too distant future so I wouldn’t worry about any changes to recruiting of trainee drivers. Fingers crossed you won’t have to wait too long until things move forward for you.
  13. D

    TOC contract expiry dates

    Without going too off topic there is more than 1 Messroom due to limited floor space. Both guards and drivers tend to sit where they like and are not separated. May have been that way years back but not in the 10+ years I’ve been there.
  14. D

    Sickness during guard probation period

    I can’t really comment on your circumstances but sorry that’s happened to you. From the experiences I’ve seen where I am they’ve been pretty supportive of people still in their probationary periods.
  15. D

    Sickness during guard probation period

    Do this right now. https://join.rmt.org.uk/app/#/welcome Don’t over worry, it’ll be ok. But join right now.
  16. D

    South Western Railway service disruption (06/09)

    How many did you see? Chances are trainee drivers as there’s training going on. 1725616755 No industrial relation issues just shortages.
  17. D

    Assessments & Medicals discussion

    No. Nothing to worry about in respect of those being banned. Just state you smoke/vape in the slight case any anomalies show.
  18. D

    Ballot Papers

    Also been told today we should expect our ballot papers in the next few days.
