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  1. A

    Things in living memory which seem very anachronistic now

    my trip was to Burton's for a "made to measure" suit in about 1968. I can't remember the occasion, could have been a family wedding, or maybe singing in quite a good choir when I was in the sixth form... Could even have been for university entrance interviews. I think it was brown, and might...
  2. A

    Is it a practical solution to build a second line that operates like Victoria Line? What would be the issues? How might it help in London?

    not if it is choking on its own prosperity (which includes playing in the casinos with my savings, which used to be managed elsewhere in the country) and on top of that not giving a toss about the lack of prosperity elsewhere.
  3. A

    Scunthorpe B.S.C. C.H.P.

    Redbourn being the name of the first of the 3 steelworks to close, in October 1979... see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_Steelworks It had an Oberhausen rotor steelmaking converter wich I actually saw in use, a big horizontal tube rather than the tub-shaped Bessemer converter.
  4. A

    Is it a practical solution to build a second line that operates like Victoria Line? What would be the issues? How might it help in London?

    ... totaly ignoring the poorly-served parts of all the other conurbations around the UK, of course. It's funny (not) that London and the SE have to have public transport improvements to facilitate ever more "growth," but places a lot closer to regional/provincial centres still limping along...
  5. A

    Is it a practical solution to build a second line that operates like Victoria Line? What would be the issues? How might it help in London?

    I had unit trusts managed by the Coop in Manchester... now Royal London Ditto insurance with Liverpool Victoria, now "LV" to avoid the embarrassment of admitting that it's mostly in London. The same goes for Brum, Newcastle, Glasgow etc etc. Lots of well-paying jobs sucked into the Great Wen...
  6. A

    Is it a practical solution to build a second line that operates like Victoria Line? What would be the issues? How might it help in London?

    or maybe just develop some other cities before London chokes on its own prosperity? (and sucks even more money out of the rest of the country.)
  7. A

    Scunthorpe B.S.C. C.H.P.

    I'm sure that after one/the first of the 3 steelworks at Scunthorpe was cleared a freightliner depot was put on the site. Maybe this is Scunthorpe FL.
  8. A

    Progress on Avanti West Coast's 805/807s Hitachi AT300 sets

    I was thinking that the people on board will be even less impressed by our current railway when they are turfed off somewhere en route. I suppose they are at least on a train and heading north... Just looked at RTT and it was terminated at Wolves! I wonder whether they would get to Crewe...
  9. A

    1970s / 1980s Station Buffet & Bar - Do you remember 'The Gantry'?

    I agree, I have always felt that the difficulty with Sherlock Holmes' method is that it assumes he/you are good enough to have actually thought of every single possibility. I would go for either 1) it was in preparation when TF got sold or the scheme was cut back, or 2) somebody higher up saw...
  10. A

    Uxbridge English Dictionary

    Putin: a cheapo bed-pan
  11. A

    No case: why are so many NIMBY’s protesting against rail infrastructure?

    20 or 30 (or more) years ago I remember reading that research had been done about how transport noise affected (i.e. antagonised) people. They found that aeroplane noise was almost universally hated; road noise (continuous drone or intermittent) upset people too, but rail noise was least...
  12. A

    Another US crossing crash

    I too wondered if he was concerned about either doing more damage to his rear end than the shunt had already caused, or was afraid of being sued by the truck driver if he hit it again... could still be that the bumps immobilised the front car.
  13. A

    1970s / 1980s Station Buffet & Bar - Do you remember 'The Gantry'?

    I have just had a look on the (old) Whatpub website and was surprised to see that, as expected, in Manchester there is a single Yates in the list of pubs which accept the vouchers, in London it is about 50/50 Spoons and others.
  14. A

    1970s / 1980s Station Buffet & Bar - Do you remember 'The Gantry'?

    "from" £30.50 - including £30 of real ale (effectively Wetherspoons) vouchers and free entry to some beerfests... You can't afford not to!
  15. A

    1970s / 1980s Station Buffet & Bar - Do you remember 'The Gantry'?

    isn't that a "dagger" in typesetting (definitely railway WTT) terms? p.s. not to forget a double dagger: https://www.wordnik.com/words/double%20dagger
  16. A

    Another US crossing crash

    not if you lookat the second half of the video on the bbc. The front car was stopped - or stopping (12 secs), but was rear-ended under the dropping barrier, obviously decided he couldn't get out of the other side in time and reversed but was afraid to shunt the second car back far enough.
  17. A

    Another US crossing crash

    the (first) driver not at fault for a change... https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/c8d93dd63v2o Getting rear-ended onto a crossing would be a nightmare, I'm glad I hardly ever drive over one!
  18. A

    Transpennine Route Upgrade and Electrification updates

    Oh dear, that's the UK for you I suppose. Most of the costs (of a longer tunnel) for a fraction of the benefits.
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    Transpennine Route Upgrade and Electrification updates

    not if we had a Huddersfield to Oldham Pennine Base Tunnel...
