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  1. jacknottm

    job opportunities

    East Midlands Trains after customer hosts, closes next Friday. Link on there website
  2. jacknottm

    East Midlands Trains General Discussion

    New Timetable : P1 - London Terminator [Slow meridian service] - Then goes ECS Out to Eastcroft and back into PL5, Lincoln services P2 - All Skegness services, sometimes also caters for 0834 Norwich P3 - Leeds northern services, Matlock service, Through Liverpool - Norwich's P4 - XX55...
  3. jacknottm

    XC 0737 Nottingham- New St?

    0656 Notts - Cardiff is allox 4 car and these stop together all day Jack
  4. jacknottm

    Headcode Lookup

    Its not showing for any service train, and the only charter I know of today is the mersey mancunian, so may be that? Jack
  5. jacknottm

    Derby-Nottingham Cross Country Service

    Derby - Nottingham now has 3 trains an hour in both directions, the matlock (emt), the cardiff (axc) and the birmingham (axc) The EMT is run with class 153s, and both AXC services are run with 170s. Jack
  6. jacknottm

    BVE4 Class 60/73

    What program are you using for it?
  7. jacknottm

    Livery variations & full fleet details - East Midlands Trains

    2 Car combo mate, Dont know which cars though im afraid
  8. jacknottm

    BVE4 Class 60/73

    Tom I had the same problem with them mate even after changing them, Michelle explained it on the openbve forum, heres what Michelle wrote From : http://openbve.freeforums.org/problems-with-cab-transparencies-even-after-correction-t269.html Hope this helps Jack
  9. jacknottm

    Livery variations & full fleet details - East Midlands Trains

    156413 and 156415 running as a hybrid for the time being This should also be 158780s last week in green from what i've been told, where its going to be done though is anyones guess.
  10. jacknottm

    Livery variations & full fleet details - East Midlands Trains

    Do we know whats appenin with 785? Been nothin on it from Delta side of news... May of slipped thru the net into donny? Or is that too much to be asking of them...
  11. jacknottm

    Fotopic Problems

    This should make some good reading : It seems like this has been people jumping to conclusions too quickly.. I hope at least http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Fotopic.net Jack
  12. jacknottm

    Hanson 56's

    6Z56 and 6Z57 are to start running again next week for approximately two weeks. Thats the Immingham steel run for those that aren't too familiar with headcodes
  13. jacknottm

    Class 56 tour December 29th

    56312 allox 0Z36 Wansford - Bescot tomorrow booked at Leicester at 1315. No other timings, sorry Jack
  14. jacknottm

    What annoys you?

    - People who are too sure of themselves when infact they havent a clue - WNXX Forums
  15. jacknottm

    Merry Christmas from BRT!

    The blue number value (i.e. white = 00000 or it might be black cant remember) is different to what it is stated in the config, the best thing to do is bring this up in something like photoshop, Gimp or whatever and paint it to the normal blue colour. Hope this makes sense, if not I will look...
  16. jacknottm

    STOP PRESS - 60074 Is Here

    Its at toton as it keeps blowing gaskets here there and everywhere, one example being on the Dalzell - Lackenby steel a couple of weeks ago Cant wait to see photos of the model Jack
  17. jacknottm

    Liverpool Lime St. - Norwich

    Havent seen them yet so assume that they're not here?
  18. jacknottm

    Liverpool Lime St. - Norwich

    156403 formed the 18.57 Norwich - Nottingham last night and was actually 7 mins early arriving at Nottingham, also keeping to time all the way Just goes to show you that 156s could be easily used on this route...
  19. jacknottm

    Mileage Competition 2008

    21862 please. Should be about it for this year :(
