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Search results

  1. 3

    Identification Requirements for UK travel

    You often get asked for photo ID for flights within the UK. Doesn't have to be a passport but in my case it is the only valid photo ID I have.
  2. 3

    A scam phone calls and emails discussion.

    I respond to enquires sent on a sports clubs website. A recent enquiry was an obvious scan offering a free piano.
  3. 3

    Standard DBS check - criminal conviction

    If you plead guilty you will get a criminal record as well as a fine. There is no way out of getting a criminal record if you are convicted, which you will 100% be if you plead guilty. I have heard it may not show on a standard dbs if it is just a byelaw conviction but I have never been in such...
  4. 3

    Staff on the platform announcing mind the doors

    A few years ago there used to almost always be staff making manual announcements during peak times, at least on platforms I boarded and alighted at. Nowadays its much rarer I find. I do tend agree though that we don't need to Be told to let people off first, move down inside the cars, stand...
  5. 3


    Then dropped one the following over. Then Atkinson returned the favour!
  6. 3

    Service charges in the Hospitality industry

    I prefer to wait till I get to my destination to enjoy a drink at a more reasonable price and in surroundings undoubtedly more pleasant than an airport or plane but I digress. I would have done the same as you, no way am I paying a service charge if all I am having is a bottle of beer. Being...
  7. 3


    Please enlighten everyone as to what cricket will be played in Scotland this month? The T20 World Cup is being played in the UAE.
  8. 3

    Why is Merseyrail so heavily staffed?

    Working at a station with limited footfall such as Emerson Park must be the dullest job ever. You are literally just hanging around doing little work, as there isn't much to be doing, just because the station operator has pledged to staff all their stations. Does this approach deter anti-social...
  9. 3

    Why is Merseyrail so heavily staffed?

    Same when I used the station in July 2023. Must be a really dull job as there can't be much work to do at such a tiny station but I digress.
  10. 3


    In the County Championship Surrey are dominating day 1 of their match against Lancashire. Can't see anyone but Surrey winning the title this season.
  11. 3

    Disputes of dubious merit

    I guess it would simply be easier to appeal the PF if you know you've done nothing wrong than go to court and win your case.
  12. 3

    Disputes of dubious merit

    ok, so if someone provided their details as requested but then refused to accept the penalty what happens? For example one gives their details but then immediately walks off before the revenue person can finish issuing the penalty fare? What would you be charged with in court if you hadn't...
  13. 3

    Disputes of dubious merit

    What if the passenger was not a fault so refused the penalty fare and then was prosecuted? Presumably the TOC would lose in court and have had the cost of preparing for and attending a court case that they lost. Actually would the TOC win because the passenger refused the penalty fare and that's...
  14. 3

    Disputes of dubious merit

    I imagine revenue staff must have heard just about every story imaginable from passengers who have been unable to produce a valid ticket. IN your situation I would have done as you did and refused any penalty fare as I wouldn't want the hassle of having to appeal. I would have been tempted to...
  15. 3

    Bikes and unexpected disruption - what *should* happen?

    The railway/TOC should make a meaningful effort to source road transport that can accommodate a bicycle assuming they know in enough time that a passenger with a bicycle will require use of the replacement road transport. If no suitable transport is available then make arrangements for the...
  16. 3

    GWR Night Riviera Sleeper

    Good point. I was thinking berths but for such a short journey a berth is not required.
  17. 3

    GWR Night Riviera Sleeper

    Agreed. I suspect the 3rd April is fully booked given it is just over a week away.
  18. 3

    Disabled Persons railcard on Oyster

    Seems like lot of staff need a refresher on adding railcards to Oyster. I guess a lot of them will not have encountered a request to add a disabled persons railcard. I'll get the mistake corrected when I am next at a central London station. I originally requested the railcard be added at Oxford...
  19. 3

    Complaints about Revenue Protection behaviour

    Any ticket I have ever had on my phone has had a barcode which the person checking tickets simply scans and as a result has all the information they need on their handheld device without ever needing to touch my phone. All I have to do is ensure the screen is bright enough for them to be able to...
  20. 3

    Disabled Persons railcard on Oyster

    I have a disabled persons railcard loaded on my Oyster. I tried to make a tube journey recently where I found I was out of credit and upon looking at my journey history, and topping up, I found I had been charged the full adult fare whenever I travelled during peak hours. My understanding is...
