Is this the unit that dropped its Cardon Shaft near Belper back in January? If it is, it would have managed to make quite nice mess of things - Affecting the 'Banna Beam' Cardon Shaft, transmission, mounting brackets, potentially the fuel tank if located nearby, and anything else in the affected area....Ouch!
It's also interesting to see that it's been reformed with 52842 in the middle of 843, as opposed to the FGW way with the foreign vehicle on the outer end - wonder why?
Not anymore i think you'll find - Not sure as to why they retained the plough for a while, but since the brackets get in the way of the jumper cable, both 57xx/2 cars have had them removed. Not sure as to why they were painted up with the narrower cab doors in Blue as opposed to Rubine Red - Considering they will be passenger use doors for the time being.