Hi, I've just gotten back from work in York on 1P87, I sort of see where the guard was coming from but never had this happen before and think it was a tad overzealous. He ordered everyone at York to get on the front unit, despite there only being about ten of us waiting on the platform where the rear unit was and all broadly sober. Drunks don't tend to move up the platform so I've learnt this is how to get a quieter journey. Not this time.
Having spoken to the guard, he said it's for safety reasons of people being drunk etc. but I honestly don't see how this is the case when the drunks mostly travel up front anyway. Also it meant the service was packed, people moaning about not being able to sit in their reserved seats etc. I had to stand, which I don't mind as such but it seemed unnecessary.
Having spoken to customer services via WhatsApp they said that all 6 cars were in use, but we were denied boarding to them at York 'because some stations' have short platforms. When I pointed out that selective door opening is used they said that with so many merry passengers travelling it's best to ensure they get off where they're meant to get off. Surely if they missed the copious annoucements and PIS displays saying so though, it's their own fault? I do find it a tad nannyish. If people are too drunk to understand that then let them get overcarried. It'll give them a vital lesson in responsibility. In the meantime don't punish the rest of us for others' inability to watch how much they drink.
Oh and not that it bothers me, being fully vaccinated and all but needless to say it meant social distancing was completely impossible!
I suggest the railways on the customer service side grow some backbone and tell people when they're at fault and too drunk. I'm not saying they should be denied boarding (unless absolutley and utterly wasted!) but they should be prepared to tell people when they fail to get off the train at the correct stop that the situation is of their own making and there's nothing the railways can do. That's all I ask.
Having spoken to the guard, he said it's for safety reasons of people being drunk etc. but I honestly don't see how this is the case when the drunks mostly travel up front anyway. Also it meant the service was packed, people moaning about not being able to sit in their reserved seats etc. I had to stand, which I don't mind as such but it seemed unnecessary.
Having spoken to customer services via WhatsApp they said that all 6 cars were in use, but we were denied boarding to them at York 'because some stations' have short platforms. When I pointed out that selective door opening is used they said that with so many merry passengers travelling it's best to ensure they get off where they're meant to get off. Surely if they missed the copious annoucements and PIS displays saying so though, it's their own fault? I do find it a tad nannyish. If people are too drunk to understand that then let them get overcarried. It'll give them a vital lesson in responsibility. In the meantime don't punish the rest of us for others' inability to watch how much they drink.
Oh and not that it bothers me, being fully vaccinated and all but needless to say it meant social distancing was completely impossible!
I suggest the railways on the customer service side grow some backbone and tell people when they're at fault and too drunk. I'm not saying they should be denied boarding (unless absolutley and utterly wasted!) but they should be prepared to tell people when they fail to get off the train at the correct stop that the situation is of their own making and there's nothing the railways can do. That's all I ask.