That also means that the second power-door fitted carriage rake has now been delivered. The days of slam-door stock on the Moor Street to Marylebone services must surely be numbered.
At Christmas I did Colchester - Leamington Spa with a friend and we had Mark 3s all the way, and he was amazed at how "old fashioned" the slam doors were. It is interesting the general public's perception of slam doors. He also noticed that NX/GA's Mark 3s (and 317/5s and 156s for that matter) have little pictures of "chicken drumsticks" as their seating moquette. :P
That was the plan for 82302. Chiltern blue livery for mark 3s is dead in the water. All mark 3s are going to be silver now (modified slightly from the WSMR version).
Good, the coaches look very smart in silver, although it does annoy be when they have the 67 on backwards (with the dark end coupled to the carriage).
It's also mentioned in the image description
So it is :P
It also says they are coming back from Doncaster, something I didn't twig the 1st time either

I just saw 82302 and look straight at the picture