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Bachmann Class 66 Detailing

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New Member
3 Jul 2012
Hi guys!

Does anyone know where i could get a detailing kit for a Bachmann class 66.

Ideally i want couplings vac pipes that sort of thing.

Also does anyone know if it would be ok to put Kadee couplings on the loco if so which ones do i buy.

Sorry if i seem unexpirienced but i am sort of new to modern eara diesels as i have only ever moddled GWR :)

Thanks for your help guys!

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RailUK Forums


Established Member
14 Apr 2008
With the Bachmann 66, I can't see how you would fit all the detailing and a working coupler, however, with modification, you could fit the deflector plate. You could always ask Bachmann if they can supply some detailing parts.

Advice on Kadees varies depending on how you want to fit them, to fit it in the NEM style box on the 66, apparently you should use #20, if you want it fitted to the body, apparently #46/146 are the better choice. Depending on what radius of curve you use and how far apart you are willing to have the stock, you might want to vary this though.

Don't forget that with Kadees you have to fit magnets to allow uncoupling (unless you are content to lift the stock up everytime you want to uncouple them).
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