Many will remember a whole range of sounds from the original DMUs when they were getting on a bit.
Most sounded good when working well. With the gear changes you had some idea what was happening, particularly at night.
Often sitting at the station you would hope thatdeparture time wasn't far off because the windows were in tune with the resonance of the engines at tickover and rattling horrifically, and also at a certain stage in each gear. Maybe that's not unique to the early DMU's.
Apologies if I drift a little from the intention of this thread here.
Not all parts that rattled were noisy. I remember in the early 80s "sitting at the end of the corridor" on a morning journey from Derby to Crewe in a Class 120. Unbeknown to me, the bolt on the door had quietly shuffled its way to "unlocked" and I didn't half get a shock when the door swung open by itself. You could say I almost shat myself; but I was in the right place!
Even now, nearly 40 years on, I still think of that when anyone mentions Uttoxeter.