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I see/hear that someone or other is trying to get Youtube closed down. The reason is that it is a bad influence on the young. Too bloody right. Dunno who it it is but damn good luck to them.
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RailUK Forums


Established Member
15 Jun 2005
HR2 said:
The reason is that it is a bad influence on the young. Too bloody right. Dunno who it it is but damn good luck to them.
It's probably FAF.

If the young are that influenced by it then maybe their parents (or whoever is responsible for them) should be doing a better job of restricting what they are able to look at....

Anyway, here's a few videos from my YouTube favourite list:


Established Member
4 Sep 2005
Errr why!?

Influencing young kids argument again.. What is this world coming to.. SORRY CAN'T WATCH THAT BECAUSE ITS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO YOUNG CHILDREN.

If you don't want kids watching things you think they shouldn't be then don't let them.. As Craig said restrict their access better..

Whoever's trying to get it closed down needs to get a life..


Established Member
23 Jun 2005
50149 said:
Errr why!?

Influencing young kids argument again.. What is this world coming to.. SORRY CAN'T WATCH THAT BECAUSE ITS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO YOUNG CHILDREN.

If you don't want kids watching things you think they shouldn't be then don't let them.. As Craig said restrict their access better..

Whoever's trying to get it closed down needs to get a life..

Indeed. It's like the case in America where some woman is trying to sue MySpace for a few million dollars because her 14 year old daughter went and met somebody from MySpace who then attacked her. Why the hell did she let her daughter arrange to meet up with a stranger from MySpace in the first place?!?


I'll agree that parents should take more responsiblity for their kids as well. It all went cockeyed when smacking and physical chastisment was banned by to so-called 'do gooders' but perhaps the people who run the site should take a bit of responbility in their outlook as well

My old Pop [God bless him] would never SMACK us it was ALWAYS the leather belt or a cane. While I agree that that is a bit OTT it never did me any harm in the long run.

Tom B

Established Member
27 Jul 2005
Parents should take the responsibility! It's THEIR computers which kids are using to access such sites - so control your kids, don't try and get censorship in because you're too lazy to!


Established Member
4 Sep 2005
Thing is, if you see your kid watching something you don't think is appropriate.. there's always this:

BUT NOOO some parents are too lazy to even do that.. SHUT IT DOWN they cry :roll:


Established Member
15 Jun 2005
50149 said:
BUT NOOO some parents are too lazy to even do that.. SHUT IT DOWN they cry :roll:
If that's the case then surely RailUK should be closed down for encouraging young people to meet people from the internet...

Met Driver

Established Member
8 Jun 2005
Craig said:
If that's the case then surely RailUK should be closed down for encouraging young people to meet people from the internet...

Maybe, or perhaps parents should just take heed of what you posted towards the beginning of this thread?

Craig said:
If the young are that influenced by it then maybe their parents (or whoever is responsible for them) should be doing a better job of restricting what they are able to look at....


Cockfosters said:
Parents should take the responsibility! It's THEIR computers which kids are using to access such sites - so control your kids, don't try and get censorship in because you're too lazy to!

If I could shut it down I would but then again it's not up to me. At some time in the future YOU youngsters will have children. Will YOU control them as you advocate parents today do? Possibly yes. Possibly no. But whatever happens unless something is done soon to MAKE parents and websites behave responsibly then I don't see the situation getting better.

There is too much so-called freedom today and these groups like 'Liberty' are only fronts for those that take them.

RUK is a peer group of people who share a common interests in railways. It is NOT a site that fills young vulnerable people with crap and encourages them to misdemeanours with poop videos ect. I am surprised that the normally sensible Moderators of this site allow such things to be aired on here actually.

EDIT: I think a lot of disputes between young and old stem from the fact that us old geezers don't understand the way of the young nowadays. We don't understand your mindset or the reasoning in what you do or why you do it? There seems to be no purpose in a lot of your activities. Take the 'Handbrake skid' lark. It seems that that is just showing off. Or skateboarding, that's only another version of the push scooter we all had as kids. As for running up and down walls with them, well, that confuses me altogether. Graffiti? Hmmm, yes we had it in a different form in my time. Mainly 'Kilroy was here' or 'Boycott the gas' or 'Down with something or other' That sort of graffiti was protest.

I don't lump all you younger generation in these categories and I for one do try to understand your point of view, but why must you be so aggresive and confrontational all the while? That is childish American behavior and it seems to me you are far from children. You don't regard yourselves as American do you? If so my country is lost. I had an old railway mate [now dead] tell me years ago and having been to America, say to me 'Everything about America is BIG! Big country, big mouths and big heads. I do hope that our younger folk don't emulate that

What does erk though is when I have someone younger than me telling me something I already know and have seen/experienced is not that way at all. A certain signal operator on another forum did that to me and really got my goat.. So I would like it a bit better if there were not so many sarky responses to my posts. I am entitled to a view as well.

End of boring lecture.

The Gricer

11 Aug 2005
Cockfosters said:
Parents should take the responsibility! It's THEIR computers which kids are using to access such sites - so control your kids, don't try and get censorship in because you're too lazy to!
With respect Tom, that's easy to say, but you can't sit over kids watching everything they do on the computer. I know there are ways of limiting what sites can viewed and such like but none of them can be 100% effective without spoiling the general 'browsing experience'. In any case, a lot of kids these days know more about the computer than their parents ever will and if there's a way round it (which there invariably is) they'll find it!



Established Member
8 Jun 2005
HR2 said:
I see/hear that someone or other is trying to get Youtube closed down. The reason is that it is a bad influence on the young. Too bloody right. Dunno who it it is but damn good luck to them.

It's bad parenting that is the problem with todays society, not what people see on TV, play in their games, or view on the internet.


Forum Staff
Staff Member
6 Jun 2005
Calm down Bob, things aren't quite that bad! ;) Although I do accept you have a very good and serious point about problems such as graffiti - though it is a minority who do things like that.

As for YouTube, I don't see why it should be shut down. There are controls for videos that are unsuitable for u18s to be flagged as that and then you have to sign in and verify your age to view them. Maybe it should be easier to flag them as that, maybe it should be done quicker... but no, not shut down.

As for MySpace, it's a load of rubbish IMO (like piczo, bebo etc), parents should talk to their kids and explain that, while most users of such sites are genuine, some are not who they claim to be! The MySpace community is so large, it's not really a community in the sense that a forum such as this one is, and so caution should be exercised. Personally I wouldn't touch MySpace and I think it's a waste of time, but if people want to use it that's up to them, as long as they are aware of the limitations of it.

Just because someone thinks something is rubbish (which we're entitled to our opinions) doesn't mean it should be banned.

I respect the fact you don't like YouTube, Bob, as that is your right. But we'll have to agree to disagree on banning it ;)


Veteran Member
19 Jun 2005
Nowhere Heath
Bob, I agree with most of the points you have made. Perhaps this is surprisingly considering I am still, in most senses, classed as a 'youth' (that is one thing that I am thankful Eurostar and InterRail/EuroDomino tickets count me as until I hit 26! Of course I'll still be getting a Y-P until I hit 26 too, so it's all good until then!), perhaps it isn't.

The comment about hoping the UK doesn't emulate America, unfortunately this has happened and will continue to happen whilst we import horrendously rubbishy programmes from the USA (I'm talking mainly here in terms of Saved By The Bell, Baywatch, Hang Time and all of the other programmes aimed predominately at teenagers in America) and the rest of the developed but undeveloped countries in the world. This will probably be irreversible now though, as the generation here in the UK who grew up watching this trash will pass it on to the next generation, who will do the same to the next...

As for YouTube, I do not agree it should be banned. There is nothing wrong with the concept, but the content some people put on there is just stupid. Case in point is the '5 second rule' one. This shows and seems to encourage eating stuff dropped on the ground outside, so long as it is within 5 seconds you're OK. The fact the second part of the one I saw was a Dorito that had partially landed in dog/other animal 'doings' on the lawn that was then eaten was, in my view, quite simply, disgusting. Most normal people would feel the same view I believe. It can be found by searching for '5 second rule' on YouTube.

Case in point 2. Search for 'smash PS2' on YouTube. What will you find? Many videos of people smashing with sledgehammers, or from great heights or using any tools they can find, their PS2. There's also a similar thing where someone 'switches' (I put it in apostrophies here because it was never revealed where the owner's GameCube actually was, so it could have been his, you never know) someone else's GameCube with a defective one. It fails to load properly, so the first chap (he's permanently off-screen, the second chap is seen later) eventually encourages the second chap to take the GameCube to a 'friend' to fix it. They get out onto the street, and at some point the first guy chucks it with some force into the air, it shortly landing with more force on the road. Naturally, it broke quite badly. The second guy bursts into tears here, which I felt was quite understandable. The first guy then tells him it wasn't his GameCube, but never reveals on the video where his was or anything.

Why am I highlighting this? The fact is this is not funny, not cool and is basically bullying, albeit a little indirectly. I'm not sure of the definite search terms for it, but it is definately on there.

These are two bad videos I've seen on there. There are some fantastically funny ones on there too. These are mainly 'Angry Kid' or 'Angry Gamer' videos, of which they are several dozen, mainly featuring Halo 2 and the same kid. Some of these were quite funny, because they highlight how irritated people can get with games. The fact he takes it to an all-new extreme of hitting (and breaking in one case!) the TV in at least one case makes it a bit funny. I know I get angry with games sometimes, but I don't go that far!

Of course, some members here also use YouTube to share videos with the world. These are excellent, and is the better way to do it, vice Google Video.

I've highlighted some bad things about YouTube, but it has been said that you can flag as an inappropriate video. I intend to do so with some of these videos myself.

My point is though re: YouTube, don't have it shut down, it's an excellent concept. Some viewers need to be exert some common sense though!

As for the discipline idea, it's most fine in most cases I can think of, but of course law and society sharpen their axes these days with such things. Such as yesterday when that 'celebrity' (so much so I can't remember his name or what he does) suggested that we all gave 'hoodies' love and care. Delicate round shapes in a sack (guess what word I wanted to use). You try giving them just that. It's more likely they'll turn on you with a knife these days, or have you arrested, or something. The news made a big deal about the idea, as can be expected. Go on then lads, try it, see where it lands you. Hospital? Jail (you only have to speak or look at some of these 'yobs' to get them to make the police arrest you for a fake crime these days, the case in point highlighted in the major newspapers a couple of days ago)? Well done, we warned you. But it is definitately time we stood up for ourselves and took action. What action that should be I don't know, but it needs to be done.

Anyway, I've ranted on for a while now. Enjoy.

Thus concludes the end of the Rational Rant, brought to you by WSXFan.


Now those are level headed and calm refutaions of my side of things and I appreciate that. On reflection you are, of course, correct. I don't have to look at the site when all is said and done. So if I don't look I can't get all frazzled by it can I?

Once small point I would like to make though is that responsibility is a two sided coin. Parents are responsible for the conduct of their children while they are minors but once those children reach puberty they bear some responsibility themselves. The responsiblity to obey the law, the responsibilty to respect others, the responibility to behave in an acceptable manner. Oh, the list is endless but at the end of the day it cuts both ways.

Thanks for the reasoned and peaceful discussion I appreciate it.


Established Member
7 Jun 2005
Just outside the Black Country
To be fair, YouTube has some fairly disgusting content on it.

However, I'd stop short of saying it should be shut down, it merely needs people to recognise that when it says 'THIS IS NOT SUITABLE FOR SOME PEOPLE' it means that the easily offended should hit back here.
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