CRUG (Cottingley Rail Users Group) is a railway pressure group I am trying to set up.
This is an email I sent recently to the Yorkshire Evening Post which was in response to another reader's letter.
I also make good use of this station, and as Mr. Wilson clearly points out, the train only takes a few minutes to get into Leeds. The fares are also much cheaper too, especially when compared to those of First Bus. A peak time return by train is a mere £2:90 compared to £4:00 (£2:00 in each direction) with First. After half nine; which means the 09:59 and all later trains, the return fare reduces to £2:50 which is the equivalent of just £1:25 each way. This is well over a £1:00 cheaper than First!
First do offer day tickets at £4:60 (Anytime West Yorkshire) and £3:80 (Off-Peak Leeds), so one may opt to buy this ticket after 09:30; but these fares are still a lot more expensive than Northern Rails return fare, unless you intend to do more than two journeys.
With regard to the current service at Cottingley there is one particularly infuriating fly-in-the-ointment which I, and I suspect many other potential passengers absolutely detest! It is the fact we only have one train per hour most of the day. The Leeds - Manchester Victoria service via Brighouse and the Calder Valley only calls at Cottingley once towards Leeds and twice towards Manchester during the morning peak. It calls three times in the evening peak towards Manchester, but thats it! We need more! This service needs to call at Cottingley at ALL times! Ive written letters and sent emails to Metro and Northern Rail in complaint of this matter, but so far, nothing has been done and all I receive are lame excuses. The fact that these trains sit at Brighouse for approximately eight minutes because theyre early just rubs salt in the wound! These trains are allowed a whopping fourteen minutes to do a mere four miles from Mirfield to Brighouse! Im certain that this time could be much better utilised by calling at Cottingley, and Ravensthorpe, which is in a similar position. Looking at the annual passenger count for Cottingley, which keeps growing year on year and is currently well over 77,000; I find it staggering we only have a basic service. If anyone would like to help set up CRUG (Cottingley Rail Users Group) please let me know!
Finally, Im sure most people in the area are aware of work going on to repair the aging footbridge at Cottingley. When I asked what exactly was being done I was basically told; The bridge is being re-stepped. I was expecting the current bridge to be taken down completely, in readiness for electrification, and replaced with a ramped footbridge to aid prams and the disabled; how wrong I was! Some CCTV would also be a good idea at Cottingley to help kerb anti-social behaviour and cable theft. I await many replies to this letter.
So, if anyone would like to join me in this venture please let me know.
Cottingley Rail Users Group Questionnaire
1. How often do you use Cottingley railway station? (Tick one box)
A: Very rarely; less than 5 times per year.
B: Infrequently; approximately 5 times every 2-3 months.
C: Fairly regularly; once or twice a month.
D: More regularly; once or twice a week.
E: Frequently; Monday to Friday commute and some weekends.
2. Are you happy with whats provided at Cottingley? (Tick one box)
A: No, absolutely not; especially after dark!
B: Its basic and is in need of many improvements.
C: Reasonable, but could still do with a few improvements.
D: Generally acceptable.
E: Yes! I think Cottingley railway station if fit for the 21st. century.
3. What puts you off using Cottingley railway station? (Tick all that apply)
A: Lack of security.
B: Poor information on train running.
C: Poor disabled access.
D: Poor waiting accommodation.
E: Poor connections at Leeds (e.g. no connection with 07:00 to London KX or 07:10 to Aberdeen).
F: Not enough trains call at Cottingley.
G: Station is always untidy.
H: Train service is unreliable.
I: Train not convenient enough. Prefer to use other public transport or private vehicle.
J: Fares too expensive.
K: No staff in attendance. I frequently have to queue up to buy a ticket to exit Leeds station.
L: Overcrowding at peak time. I cant always get on the 08:24 to Leeds.
4. What would make you use Cottingley railway station more often? (Tick all that apply)
A: Improved security; e.g. CCTV.
B: Improved information on train running.
C: Improved disabled access.
D: Improved waiting accommodation.
E: Improved connections with other services at Leeds (e.g. a better early morning service).
F: Two trains per hour ALL day; CRUG is pushing for this.
G: A cleaner station environment.
H: Improved train service reliability.
I: Electrification; which is planned.
J: More competitive fares.
K: Staff in attendance selling tickets during the morning rush hour.
L: Longer train formations to ease overcrowding at peak times.
5. What are your main reasons for using Cottingley railway station? (Tick all that apply)
A: Travelling to/from work.
B: Shopping/daytime leisure pursuit.
C: Hospital/doctor or other appointment.
D: Holiday/weekend away.
E: Evening entertainment.
F: Visiting friends and/or relatives.
This is an email I sent recently to the Yorkshire Evening Post which was in response to another reader's letter.
I also make good use of this station, and as Mr. Wilson clearly points out, the train only takes a few minutes to get into Leeds. The fares are also much cheaper too, especially when compared to those of First Bus. A peak time return by train is a mere £2:90 compared to £4:00 (£2:00 in each direction) with First. After half nine; which means the 09:59 and all later trains, the return fare reduces to £2:50 which is the equivalent of just £1:25 each way. This is well over a £1:00 cheaper than First!
First do offer day tickets at £4:60 (Anytime West Yorkshire) and £3:80 (Off-Peak Leeds), so one may opt to buy this ticket after 09:30; but these fares are still a lot more expensive than Northern Rails return fare, unless you intend to do more than two journeys.
With regard to the current service at Cottingley there is one particularly infuriating fly-in-the-ointment which I, and I suspect many other potential passengers absolutely detest! It is the fact we only have one train per hour most of the day. The Leeds - Manchester Victoria service via Brighouse and the Calder Valley only calls at Cottingley once towards Leeds and twice towards Manchester during the morning peak. It calls three times in the evening peak towards Manchester, but thats it! We need more! This service needs to call at Cottingley at ALL times! Ive written letters and sent emails to Metro and Northern Rail in complaint of this matter, but so far, nothing has been done and all I receive are lame excuses. The fact that these trains sit at Brighouse for approximately eight minutes because theyre early just rubs salt in the wound! These trains are allowed a whopping fourteen minutes to do a mere four miles from Mirfield to Brighouse! Im certain that this time could be much better utilised by calling at Cottingley, and Ravensthorpe, which is in a similar position. Looking at the annual passenger count for Cottingley, which keeps growing year on year and is currently well over 77,000; I find it staggering we only have a basic service. If anyone would like to help set up CRUG (Cottingley Rail Users Group) please let me know!
Finally, Im sure most people in the area are aware of work going on to repair the aging footbridge at Cottingley. When I asked what exactly was being done I was basically told; The bridge is being re-stepped. I was expecting the current bridge to be taken down completely, in readiness for electrification, and replaced with a ramped footbridge to aid prams and the disabled; how wrong I was! Some CCTV would also be a good idea at Cottingley to help kerb anti-social behaviour and cable theft. I await many replies to this letter.
So, if anyone would like to join me in this venture please let me know.
Cottingley Rail Users Group Questionnaire
1. How often do you use Cottingley railway station? (Tick one box)
A: Very rarely; less than 5 times per year.
B: Infrequently; approximately 5 times every 2-3 months.
C: Fairly regularly; once or twice a month.
D: More regularly; once or twice a week.
E: Frequently; Monday to Friday commute and some weekends.
2. Are you happy with whats provided at Cottingley? (Tick one box)
A: No, absolutely not; especially after dark!
B: Its basic and is in need of many improvements.
C: Reasonable, but could still do with a few improvements.
D: Generally acceptable.
E: Yes! I think Cottingley railway station if fit for the 21st. century.
3. What puts you off using Cottingley railway station? (Tick all that apply)
A: Lack of security.
B: Poor information on train running.
C: Poor disabled access.
D: Poor waiting accommodation.
E: Poor connections at Leeds (e.g. no connection with 07:00 to London KX or 07:10 to Aberdeen).
F: Not enough trains call at Cottingley.
G: Station is always untidy.
H: Train service is unreliable.
I: Train not convenient enough. Prefer to use other public transport or private vehicle.
J: Fares too expensive.
K: No staff in attendance. I frequently have to queue up to buy a ticket to exit Leeds station.
L: Overcrowding at peak time. I cant always get on the 08:24 to Leeds.
4. What would make you use Cottingley railway station more often? (Tick all that apply)
A: Improved security; e.g. CCTV.
B: Improved information on train running.
C: Improved disabled access.
D: Improved waiting accommodation.
E: Improved connections with other services at Leeds (e.g. a better early morning service).
F: Two trains per hour ALL day; CRUG is pushing for this.
G: A cleaner station environment.
H: Improved train service reliability.
I: Electrification; which is planned.
J: More competitive fares.
K: Staff in attendance selling tickets during the morning rush hour.
L: Longer train formations to ease overcrowding at peak times.
5. What are your main reasons for using Cottingley railway station? (Tick all that apply)
A: Travelling to/from work.
B: Shopping/daytime leisure pursuit.
C: Hospital/doctor or other appointment.
D: Holiday/weekend away.
E: Evening entertainment.
F: Visiting friends and/or relatives.