Seriously, no point in continuing, I obviously overrated the abilities of many to actually understand the big picture. AlterEGo get's it, shame more don't.
Good sir (or madam), may I request what you do for a living/earnings?
You asked (pages ago I think) whether train drivers were working class. Some are some aren't, if class distinctions really exist now as they did then. Certainly the background of newer drivers is far more varied than the old school.
In terms of making the railways more efficient, I would be interested to hear your ideas (genuinely). My TOC is already DOO and very very busy. I've never driven a train with a guard on so I don't have anything to compare it to but I can see both sides of the argument. Certainly at many stations in off peak times DOO seems fine to me but at many stations in peak hours it really isn't ok. Irrespective of this, aside from DOO, i'm not sure what 'efficiency' (read: ca$h savings) can be made? Close all ticket offices? Get rid of platform staff.? We could get rid of everyone I suppose but not sure it would function efficiently (I could be wrong of course).
I'd be interested to know what drivers earn on the continent actually no idea if it's about the same in terms of actual earnings/average earning in society as often when the slary 'discussion' comes up it's in terms of how many police officers/hospitals it buys!!
I do think the problems of us having very aged infrastructure, years of chronic underspending and very frequent services don't help. Also I believe (please do correct me someone) that the amount financed by the government in proportion to that of the fare payer is far less in the UK than the rest of Europe. Though i'm not sure cheaper tickets would help the current situation.
It's easy for one to define their own salary as justified in their own eyes but often more difficult to justify it to others. But then should anyone really have to. It's interesting how often comments about pay come up. Maybe there has always been an obsession with how much other people earn and now i'm older i've finally noticed it. I heard something on the radio the other day which said that in America people openly discuss how much they earn but that in the UK we see that sort of discussion as inappropriate...