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Condition of permanent way any thoughts?

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4 Mar 2012
In the last 10 days I have travelled a few miles by rail and I am concerned at the condition of the permanent way in some areas compared with others.
The offending stretches were on SWT network especially both up and down between Haslemere and Shalford Junction and in the up direction on the main fast line from Byfleet & New Haw to Earlsfield. The 444s I was on were like a fairground ride, rocking and rolling, banging and crashing as the track appeared to be “pumping” under us on several occasions.
This compared with both the West Coast in a 390 and East Coast in a HST on the fast lines. I would expect that where the line-speed is 90 mph plus greater attention is given to the track, if for nothing else, safety.
A further journey from Partick to Helensburgh and return in a 334 at no location did the ride cause any comment, in fact my fellow travellers remarked on the comfort and smoothness of ride.
Finally, and I accept that it’s not a fair comparison, in a Mark 1 on the Jacobite from Fort William to Mallaig and return.
I know that NR have been carrying out some track work though the SWT area however unless it is not finished what could/should be done to improve the situation?
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RailUK Forums


8 Jul 2015
If you were concerned at the track condition/rough ride, did you let anyone know at the time, or Network Rail on their helpline?


5 Mar 2008
To cut a long story short, there are standards to which the track must be maintained too. And when you actually see what that looks like, you'll be surprised what the standards actually allow NR to "get away with".

It takes a significant track fault to generate a rough ride, let alone have one off into the dirt. A bit of voiding - which it sounds like you are describing - is commonplace.

A busy line like the SWT line you mention will be subject to a strict maintenance regime, with patrols and measurement by the NMT. It may well feel bad, but the likelihood of something slipping massively out of tolerance and under the radar is slim


On Moderation
23 Mar 2013
I suggest you don't go to Canada and see the quality of their "main lines"!!
They make ours luxurious!!


4 Mar 2012
If you were concerned at the track condition/rough ride, did you let anyone know at the time, or Network Rail on their helpline?

Not "concerned" as I use the Portsmouth Direct regularly and, for example Haslemere bank rarely is a "smooth" ride and for years, improved a few years ago, the points at Weybridge from the Chertsey line to the up fast made the regular travelers brace themselves in anticipation of the poor ride.
If the drivers and or other train crew have or have not reported the track then I doubt that one report from a passenger (customer) would result in much action.
Really my point is the comparable apparent condition of permanent way especially where, for the most part, the line speed is 70mph plus.
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