Very simply I travelled from Bromley Cross to Man Vic
Was late for the train, went to buy my ticket @ Vic, was pulled to one side and asked a host of questions, I was then told not rejoin the queue to buy a ticket , but I pushed past the officer and bought a valid ticket
I photocopied all my tickets from that week (all valid) and sent them in, they now want £80 or we go to court and I get a criminal record, at 50 years of age without even a detention to my name I am a criminal.
Should I contest this in court????
There does seem to be a ticket office at your origin at what time did you travel ? If you travelled when the ticket office was opened and didn't attempt to purchase a ticket at either the ticket office or use the ticket vending machine (providing they were working) then the minute you step on the train when there are opportunitys to purchase a ticket beforehand I am sorry to say your bang to rights
When you say you pushed past the member of staff can you clarify exactly what you mean was it a simple you stormed off and walked into them causing them to take a step backwards or did you physically push them out of your way to clear your cway so to speak ???
If I were you I would take this on the chin and pay up asap to keep the matter out of court as a judge would also question your "pushing the member of staff out the way" and could also do you for that if it was deemed unnecessary force was used and you could end up with a fine for that well. This is of course if the inspector noted that in there report and it was provided as evidence should the matter go to court.
I know its not nice but if you pay it now that's the end of the matter and you can pout it down to lessons learnt and remember to buy a ticket in the future before boarding
Just like to add I am not suggesting you assaulted the member of staff in anyway hence the question. It would just help the more knowledgeable members of this forum assist you but on all honesty o would just pay and take it as a lesson learnt
Hope this helps you in some way
I have copoied and pasted the ticket information for your origin from nre to assist others in helping
Ticket buying and collection collapse Ticket buying and collection panel
Ticket Office
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 06:20 - 13:20
Saturday 07:50 - 14:20
Sunday Closed
Located to the left on the entrance to Manchester bound platform (card only)
Height adjusted ticket office counter
Height adjusted ticket counter is not available at this station
Induction loop
This office has an induction loop
Ticket machines
Accessible ticket machines
There are no accessible ticket machines at this station
Collection of pre-purchased tickets
Yes, from ticket machine