Is it correct that recent trains built in the last 20 years, have quieter horns? When I use travel on trains built in the 1980s (321s, 150s etc), if I was sitting close to the front of the train, the horn would make me jump. When I am on a train built recently (350s, 377s etc), I hardly notice the horn being sounded, even if i am right at the front of the train.
Have train horns become quiter, or are modern trains better insulated?
I think the 150s have the loudest horns, of any train I have been on. They absolutely made me jump out of my skin, when I was young.
Have train horns become quiter, or are modern trains better insulated?
I think the 150s have the loudest horns, of any train I have been on. They absolutely made me jump out of my skin, when I was young.