I'm not sure what's going on. Tickets were previously on sale up to 6th July, as released last Thursday.
I was expecting no more tickets to be released until tomorrow, when you'd expect them to release up to 13th July. That may yet happen, but surprisingly yesterday they released tickets for 18-20 July, with much, much more expensive prices than usual, as I posted yesterday...
EC have released tickets for 18/19/20 July 9 days early, however I could see absolutely no cheap tickets during that period for York-London at all for those 3 days so I am not sure what's going on there.
Is there anything special about those 3 days? The Olympics don't start until the 25th and it's not yet the school holidays.
... my concern is that these are a week before the Olympics so perhaps East Coast think that people will be travelling to London a week early, and have decided to both release tickets early for the Olympics and also bump up the prices massively. Hopefully not, perhaps it's a mistake.