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Eastleigh works

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8 Sep 2008
When I was a nipper Eastleigh works used to do work on classes 08/09/33/73 and Southern region units and some units from other regions. How things have changed in recent years I was wondering how many different classes of locomotives and units have had work done there in the works itself excluding the new servicing depot. Over the years to the present day from memory diesel and electric locomotives classes with work done in the works are as follows 03/04/07/08/09/20/24/33/37/43(HST)47/50/57/59/60/66/68/70(SR elecric locomotives ) 70 (Diesel) 71/73/74/86/87/90..
302/507 /508
Does anyone know of any other classes of loco or units to have work done at Eastleigh works including SR units because there may be some classes I have forgotten as I'm getting on a bit. Thanks in advance
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RailUK Forums


25 Apr 2020
I can think of a few that have passed through the works

EMU - Class 317/319/411/412/430/442/444/450/491


Established Member
11 Apr 2012
Dalton GA USA & Preston Lancs
When I was a nipper Eastleigh works used to do work on classes 08/09/33/73 and Southern region units and some units from other regions. How things have changed in recent years I was wondering how many different classes of locomotives and units have had work done there in the works itself excluding the new servicing depot. Over the years to the present day from memory diesel and electric locomotives classes with work done in the works are as follows 03/04/07/08/09/20/24/33/37/43(HST)47/50/57/59/60/66/68/70(SR elecric locomotives ) 70
Remember it well. Used to go round regularly in the 1970s on NCTS trips. I am feeling nostalgic. I thought Class 71 and 74s had been there but possibly only done at Chart Leacon


8 Sep 2008
I can think of a few that have passed through the works

EMU - Class 317/319/411/412/430/442/444/450/491
Cheers. Other Emus I'm guessing 413/414/415/416. Also the old W&C underground units plus the current I. O. W units. Im not sure about the old VEC and TIS units but I think I read somewhere they did at some stage.

Some of the VEC TIS units were broken up the around 2012. It's a shame to be broken up that late it would've been nice if they were saved

Remember it well. Used to go round regularly in the 1970s on NCTS trips. I am feeling nostalgic. I thought Class 71 and 74s had been there but possibly only done at Chart Leacon
I have seen a picture of a 71 in the works. As the 74s were Eastleigh allocated I'm guessing they were done there at some point.
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Established Member
11 Apr 2012
Dalton GA USA & Preston Lancs
I have seen a picture of a 71 in the works. As the 74s were Eastleigh allocated I'm guessing they were done there at some point.
Unfortunately all my photos are archived back in the UK and will take some digging out. I can look at my notes but I distinctly remember them so glad I am not the only one.


Established Member
7 Oct 2019
West Wiltshire
I went on a visit in late 1970s, there was one shop with locos, 08s, 09s, 33s and 73s

Just about every type of Southern region EMUs and DEMUs were there, receiving major overhauls, there was one room with hundreds of slam doors as every unit had all doors removed, another section was rewinding electric motors, many coaches were on temporary bogies (and bogies were in another area). There was an upholstery area as seats and walls under windows would be retrimmed completely. And of course each EMU got full repaint at these major overhauls (real paint not vynal)


Established Member
25 Mar 2010
I went to a presentation by Colin Boocock to the Monmouthshire Railway Society at the beginning of the year.

He spent a lot of time there, beginning as an Apprentice and has written with a colleague the Centenary History of the Works - see link:

This is the synopsis:
"After nationalisation, Eastleigh Works built many BR Standard Locomotives whilst in later years it was heavily involved in the refurbishment of EMU stock. Now owned by the French company Alstom, it will close in 2006. Publication of this book is therefore timed to mark the final sad demise of another of the great names in the British railway industry. Written by two former Eastleigh apprentices, the book provides a comprehensive account of nearly 100 years of engineering excellence in this Hampshire town and will appeal to all those with an interest in Southern Railway locomotive design."

Ironically, although it mentions above that it was to close in 2006, it's still open and working in various projects.

The presentation was very good, and if you get a chance to hear him, it's worth doing.


Established Member
1 Aug 2013
"Eastleigh built many BR Standard locomotives" - I don't think so!
Neither do I. Possibly thinking of Brighton.

I seem to recall that following electrification west of Brookwood, London 4-SUB units were initially hauled there for overhaul, because of the higher nominal voltage, up to 850v. They were later driven, with certain restrictions - because their lighting was at line voltage they had to have it switched off.

Merle Haggard

Established Member
20 Oct 2019
"Eastleigh built many BR Standard locomotives" - I don't think so!

You are correct, but there is just a small connection; Eastleigh built the boilers for 80010/2/4/5/8/9/29/32/41/4/7/51 (assembled at Brighton) and a spare (source; RCTS BR standard steam locos).
I think I've read somewhere that the Southern occasionally had the occasional practice of building different components for locos. (and coaching stock) split between Ashford, Brighton and Eastleigh but final assembly at a single works.

big all

On Moderation
23 Sep 2018
Cheers. Other Emus I'm guessing 413/414/415/416. Also the old W&C underground units plus the current I. O. W units. Im not sure about the old VEC and TIS units but I think I read somewhere they did at some stage.

Some of the VEC TIS units were broken up the around 2012. It's a shame to be broken up that late it would've been nice if they were saved

I have seen a picture of a 71 in the works. As the 74s were Eastleigh allocated I'm guessing they were done there at some point.
I thought the Waterloo and City stock where overhauled at Selhurst ??

They certainly had a temporary building on the north off the ac shed for asbestos removal from Waterloo and City stock uniquely as far as my memory tells me many years on ??
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Established Member
25 Mar 2010
"Eastleigh built many BR Standard locomotives" - I don't think so!

Neither do I. Possibly thinking of Brighton.

You are correct, but there is just a small connection; Eastleigh built the boilers for 80010/2/4/5/8/9/29/32/41/4/7/51 (assembled at Brighton) and a spare (source; RCTS BR standard steam locos).
I think I've read somewhere that the Southern occasionally had the occasional practice of building different components for locos. (and coaching stock) split between Ashford, Brighton and Eastleigh but final assembly at a single works.

I think that this must have been an error (if it was incorrect, and I can't say because I don't know) by the person who wrote the synopsis. I certainly can't see Colin Boocock making that type of incorrect claim, as he worked there for a long time in a senior capacity.

Merle Haggard

Established Member
20 Oct 2019
When I was a 'number snatcher' in the 1960s I visited what we called Eastleigh Works on a few occasions, but it only contained locos. There also must have been a carriage works - almost all emu stock was built at Eastleigh then - but did that work migrate to the former loco works? I ask because of the mention upthread of many EMU being dealt with.
With an obsession only for locos, I don't even remember where the carriage works was!


Established Member
1 Aug 2013
A lot of Southern coaching stock and EMUs had the frames and running gear built at Lancing, and the body built at Eastleigh.


8 Sep 2008
When I was a 'number snatcher' in the 1960s I visited what we called Eastleigh Works on a few occasions, but it only contained locos. There also must have been a carriage works - almost all emu stock was built at Eastleigh then - but did that work migrate to the former loco works? I ask because of the mention upthread of many EMU being dealt with.
With an obsession only for locos, I don't even remember where the carriage works was!
The carriage works is now Barton Park industrial estate with many of the buildings remaining. Quite a bit of it was used by Hants & Dorset bus company as its works back when buses like trains received heavy overhauls. It was also the bus depot for Hants & Dotset Eastleigh based operations a duty it still performs today for Go South Coast Bluestar Buses. There is still a bus heavy repair place there but I'm not who owns that these days. I think there is/was another bus operator using the old carriage sheds.


1 May 2016
When I was a nipper Eastleigh works used to do work on classes 08/09/33/73 and Southern region units and some units from other regions. How things have changed in recent years I was wondering how many different classes of locomotives and units have had work done there in the works itself excluding the new servicing depot. Over the years to the present day from memory diesel and electric locomotives classes with work done in the works are as follows 03/04/07/08/09/20/24/33/37/43(HST)47/50/57/59/60/66/68/70(SR elecric locomotives ) 70 (Diesel) 71/73/74/86/87/90..
302/507 /508
Does anyone know of any other classes of loco or units to have work done at Eastleigh works including SR units because there may be some classes I have forgotten as I'm getting on a bit. Thanks in advance
Class 205/207 DEMUs
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