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Extra services for Rochdale and Stalybridge to start this year

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Veteran Member
23 Jan 2009
From http://www.transportforgreatermanch...tem_07_north_east_rail_sector_market_analysis

Regarding Rochdale:

Northern are introducing an additional hourly service between Rochdale and Manchester from May 2012. This will operate approximately between the hours of 0900 and 1900.

Regarding Stalybridge:

An additional weekday service between Manchester Victoria and Stalybridge, funded by TfGM, is scheduled to start in December 2012. This will be formed by extending the Southport to Manchester Victoria service to Stalybridge and will return to Kirkby. This will take advantage of the new bay platform at Stalybridge.

Where is the extra rolling stock going to come from for these?

There's also a lot of other information in that document regarding the Rochdale and Stalybridge lines. Including an interesting comment re: Metrolink they mention passengers transferring to Calder Vale services when the Oldham Loop close but they say "Parts of the Oldham Loop line are expected to reopen in 2012 as a new Metrolink route, which could abstract some patronage from the Calder Valley corridor for journeys between Rochdale and Manchester. However, this could be more likely to impact local bus services. "
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RailUK Forums


17 Dec 2007
Due north, and three to the left.
From http://www.transportforgreatermanch...tem_07_north_east_rail_sector_market_analysis

Regarding Rochdale:

Northern are introducing an additional hourly service between Rochdale and Manchester from May 2012. This will operate approximately between the hours of 0900 and 1900.

The stock for this will come from the rows and rows of Units stabled at Newton Heath on a Sunday.

From May there will be two trains an hour between Manchester and Rochdale on a Sunday. The current Leeds service will run express between Manchester and Rochdale and the second, new service, will be the hourly stopper for those stations inbetween.

Not before time as the over crowding on this route on a Sunday is a joke.

A quick check of the timetables from May will give the bigger picture.


Veteran Member
16 May 2010
Isnt Rochdale being converted into light rail?

Nope. The Oldham Loop is, which will run into Rochdale town centre past the station front (I think). However, it is still served by heavy rail ex-Manchester via Castleton, continuing up through the Calder Valley to Halifax, Bradford and Leeds. Mondays-Fridays I think it is served by 3tph eastwards (to Leeds), and 4tph westwards (to Manchester; with one continuing beyond to Wigan Wallgate).


On Moderation
3 Feb 2007
Between Heaven and Hell
The Southport-Vic via Walkden unit currently sits for 35 mins at Victoria or shunts into the turn back siding, so that'll form the extra SYB. No idea what will happen to the Kirkby terminator though.

Again, no idea where the extra RCD stock will come from.
--- old post above --- --- new post below ---
The extra Rochdale's seem to be sunday only, with the Leeds stopper retimed


Established Member
25 Feb 2010
The extra Stalybridge is weekday only, from better use of stock sat in Victoria (also having the advantage of freeing up platform space!). 8 Southport and 7 Kirkby services will either start or terminate at Stalybridge rather than Victoria.

Xenophon PCDGS

Veteran Member
17 Apr 2011
A typical commuter-belt part of north-west England


Established Member
14 Apr 2008
The Southport-Vic via Walkden unit currently sits for 35 mins at Victoria or shunts into the turn back siding, so that'll form the extra SYB. No idea what will happen to the Kirkby terminator though....

If the SYB run goes to Kirkby then the train in to Victoria from Kirby could potentially be slightly retimed to run so that it can form a potentially slightly retimed Southport service (currently there is a potential three minute turnaround at Victoria).

I think that will result in no extra stock being needed.


Established Member
25 Feb 2010
The Stalybridge changes are on top of the already planned timetable changes:

*The additional Sunday services to Macclesfield and Stoke (originally authorised by TfGMC in March 2012, and which has operated since 1 April 2012).

*Manchester – Wigan via Atherton on Sundays (originally implemented in May 2010 and now extended to April 2014).

New services;
16.11 Stalybridge Inter-Peak Service Enhancement

16.12 As reported previously, cross-Manchester connections are relatively poor, particularly on off-peak services through Manchester Victoria. The majority of trains from both east and west terminate at Victoria meaning most cross-city journeys require interchange. There has been significant growth in employment, particularly in the area close to Salford Central and Salford Crescent, and growth in education opportunities in places such as Salford and Bolton.

16.13 TfGM work, in support of the Northern Hub study, identified Mossley, Stalybridge and Ashton, to Salford and Bolton, as the largest group of journeys that rail could provide for, but which are not served by existing through services. Over 300 trips per day are made across Manchester Victoria station on this route, all requiring a change of train. The Northern Hub work identified that a link between Stalybridge, Salford and Bolton could be provided, and would attract additional passengers. The completion of the remodelling of Stalybridge in October 2012 has allowed some early progress to be made. The proposed new service takes advantage of the re-modelling and will operate from December 2012.

16.14 The proposed service will extend eight existing Southport to Manchester Victoria (via Atherton) services to Stalybridge. Seven trains between Manchester Victoria and Kirkby (via Atherton) will also be extended to start at Stalybridge. The service will operate Monday to Friday each week, starting in December 2012.

16.15 Despite a relatively large funding requirement, research shows the service will have significant impact. Northern Rail estimated that approximately 84,000 journeys would be generated per year by the new service.

16.16 Using TfGM modelling guidance that suggests 60% of new rail demand has transferred from car, over 25,700 car trips could be removed each year by introducing the new service.

16.17 Given the agreement by DfT to forego their share of 40% of the additional revenue, the projected subsidy has been significantly reduced and the service becomes financially viable.

16.18 In addition, the input of the DfT revenue share on the Atherton Line can be offset against the costs of the proposed new Stalybridge until the timetable change in May 2014 (which will coincide with the end of the Northern Franchise). Again funding agreement would have to be made with the new franchisee.
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