My daughter has a student railcard. The ink has now faded to the point of being barely legible. Today I went with her to the station to pay for her ticket and the SWT ticket office staff refused to issue a railcard-priced ticket because he could not read the railcard. This is fair enough but he went on to say that while were entitled to complain SWT would NOT refund the ticket difference even if we produced later proof that the railcard was valid and current, nor would they refund any other differential costs while the card was renewed despite being notified of the problem.
If SWT issue a railcard using ink that fades and cannot be read by their own staff why is that the customer's fault? THis is a common fault - it has also happened to my car park season ticket. But while I can mount a robust defence of my position a shy teenager wearing glasses is easily convined that she is somehow at fault when she is not.
Has anyone else experienced this? I am certain that if challenged in law it is SWT's responsibility to produce legible tickets and cards that are fit for purpose for their duration. It is not down to the customer to carry around evidence of legitimacy all the time.
If SWT issue a railcard using ink that fades and cannot be read by their own staff why is that the customer's fault? THis is a common fault - it has also happened to my car park season ticket. But while I can mount a robust defence of my position a shy teenager wearing glasses is easily convined that she is somehow at fault when she is not.
Has anyone else experienced this? I am certain that if challenged in law it is SWT's responsibility to produce legible tickets and cards that are fit for purpose for their duration. It is not down to the customer to carry around evidence of legitimacy all the time.