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Fewer trains for Coventry...

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6 Jul 2006
From the Coventry Evening Telegraph. http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/coventry-news/it-isnt-acceptable-fewer-trains-11329998

A new Coventry City Council cabinet member says a proposal that could see the number of fast trains from Coventry to London reduced is not acceptable.
Jim O’Boyle, recently appointed cabinet member for business, enterprise and employment, hit out after plans to chop the number of long-distance services that stop at “intermediate” stations such as Coventry and Rugby were revealed in a government consultation on the future of the West Coast Main Line.
t’s suggested that the move could speed up journeys and reduce overcrowding for people travelling from other cities.
Coun O’Boyle said “This is a really important consultation and we will work to make sure we are heard. As a minimum we want to ensure that the franchise for trains between Coventry and London meets the current standard of three fast trains per hour.
“We are ambitious for Coventry and we will be making a strong case for the three fast trains to remain and for improvements to the service....

Proposals COULD see some Birmingham - London services omit stopping at Coventry to speed up journey times..
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RailUK Forums


Established Member
9 Nov 2015
From the Coventry Evening Telegraph. http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/coventry-news/it-isnt-acceptable-fewer-trains-11329998

Proposals COULD see some Birmingham - London services omit stopping at Coventry to speed up journey times..
So maybe now is the time for a Taktfahrplan... It's a fact (understandable but still reprehensible) that local media and politicians only foucus on their parochial concerns - but sad that Coventry only worries about links to London.
A discussion on the principles that we need to apply for a timetable that serves our wider needs (but can still have local commuting requirements overlaid) is long overdue.
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