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FGW Letter about TT Changes

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Forum Staff
Staff Member
7 Aug 2005

Addressing your concerns about recent timetable changes

Below is a letter from Glenda Lamont, Customer Services Director, detailing how we are addressing customer concerns about the new timetable.

Dear Customer,

I know many of you are concerned about the changes to your journey as a result of the recent timetable changes.

Some of these issues have arisen because of our own operational problems, others because we recognise elements of the timetable haven’t met all customers’ needs.

We have an opportunity in December 2007 to change the timetable again, however, I understand for many people a quicker solution is required.

Whilst not wishing to promise something we cannot deliver, the purpose of this note is to assure you we have a team of people looking at what may be possible for early in the New Year.

May I take this opportunity of sending you season’s greetings from all at First Great Western.

Glenda Lamont
Customer Services Director
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RailUK Forums


Established Member
8 Aug 2005
That's a bit contradictory to one which I have from Michael Krisht, FGW CSA, replying to overcrowding and cancellations. This states

'I do appeciate how frustrated you are...however, from our perspective, it is vital we give this very careful consideration before we make changes that are unnecessary or that make matters worse. ...it is too early to conclude that certain aspects of the timetable are not working as expected.

We know that from previous timetable changes that in the first few weeks of the changes, passengers will amend journey patterns...

...Rather than make early revisions in rolling stock we need to wait for the timetable changes to bed in. ..we may then be in a position to make a number of limited changes.'

Well, at least I now know I'm the problem, not FGW. I must amend I my journey patterns; I'm a stupid man, expecting to travel the same time as everyone else.


Established Member
13 Oct 2005
Translation into English:

FGW knows that some of our passengers are suffering from the 5 trains which we run succesfully , each way, on time , every weekday.

We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience these trains may cause you.

Please don't forget, (all you bussiness customers), to buy a return first class season ticket to/from Paddington which earns FGW alot of commision, in return for tea (from Aldi) & biscuts which we stole from the pocket of an overweight non-commision earning ticket holder in SC who had a first minute fare.

* Last bit added on a few weeks later*:

I'm sorry that I forgot to mention that the buffet has been removed from the Bristol bound trains we run, and that we can't provided the substitute at-seat trolley service, because:
a) The HST is full and standing, making it impossible for the trolley to make its way through the train.

b) We can't provide an at-seat service to people who are stood up on overcrowded trains, because they will then get FGW in trouble under the trade description act, resulting in our rip-off fare earnt money being lost in fines.

*Another update- 22/12/07*:

Due to a loss in profit made by FGW, all HSTs will now only run with one engine, with the engine at the other end converted into a DVT with seats added between the vestibule and the drivers cab.

This move will result in money being saved, by the reduction of fuel bills.

However, the journey time on the Bristol to London services will be increased by 40 minutes. This will be faster than today's service however , because the trains will not be cancelled/delayed as much.

First-Transforming Travel.


Forum Staff
Staff Member
8 Jun 2005
Hmm sounds very much like what Virgin did on VXC with the Voyagers, eh Voyagerdude? ;)


Established Member
13 Oct 2005
Hmm sounds very much like what Virgin did on VXC with the Voyagers, eh Voyagerdude? ;)

Capacity wise maybe, but frequency wise definately not!

- before Voyagers 3 trains every weekday between Preston and the South West.

After Voyagers/Operation Princess:- 7, increased to 8 in this winters timetable..

Half an hour frequency between Manchester, Newcastle, Reading, Bristol, etc and Birmingham.

Once an hour / Once every two hours every where else apart from Cornwall.

Besides, at least VT doesn't own sh*tty 143s and 180s.. ;)


Established Member
11 Oct 2005
Capacity wise maybe, but frequency wise definately not!

- before Voyagers 3 trains every weekday between Preston and the South West.

After Voyagers/Operation Princess:- 7, increased to 8 in this winters timetable..

Half an hour frequency between Manchester, Newcastle, Reading, Bristol, etc and Birmingham.

Once an hour / Once every two hours every where else apart from Cornwall.

Besides, at least VT doesn't own sh*tty 143s and 180s.. ;)

180s are lxury compared with Virgins useless stock.

Virgin don't run local services either.


Forum Staff
Staff Member
8 Jun 2005
Capacity wise maybe, but frequency wise definately not!

- before Voyagers 3 trains every weekday between Preston and the South West.

After Voyagers/Operation Princess:- 7, increased to 8 in this winters timetable..

Half an hour frequency between Manchester, Newcastle, Reading, Bristol, etc and Birmingham.

Once an hour / Once every two hours every where else apart from Cornwall.

Besides, at least VT doesn't own sh*tty 143s and 180s.. ;)

But the promised frequency improvements for the core routes never came to fruition! Anyway, sorry, back to FGW...


Established Member
9 Jun 2005
When at Reading last weekend some passengers were complaining to a station assistant that their train had been cancelled every day since the timetable change "due to stock shortages" and they were giving the poor chap a right ear full! I won't complain though - my local FGW line has trains that now run along the length of the line to Redhill rather than some stoppers teminating in the middle of nowhere (Shalford ;)). They're also using more 166s rather than some 2 car 165s which is nice as it means we get longer trains (not that we really need it much of the time :D). Alright for some, eh? ;)

Nick W

Established Member
5 Nov 2005
It takes a while to get used to a new timetable, but I have now (One's new timetable).

There's probably a good reason for services cuts such as running for freight. It'll be up to Network Rail and DfT to sort it if they want.
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