Well fancy that. 'Privatisation' has been a failure. Who would have thought it? Countless millions wasted to satisfy Tory backwoodsmen, the problem being that those who hailed the break up of British Rail will now be shouting how GBR is the way forward. It would be nice to hear some of the Tories who have wasted all this money admit that they were wrong. The whole saga has seen fortunes made by contractors sucking up sums of money BR could only dream about. The guilty politicians will, of course, blame the Pandemic and claim that they are riding to the rescue, conveniently ignoring that the rest of the world is facing the same problems. Forward the railway with a silly name. Surely something like British Railways or British Rail would be more appropriate. Still, I suppose that Northern Ireland Railways will carry on being state owned as before as a prize for not being privatised in the first place. What goes round comes round.