Thanks Joea1 for organising this meet 
We met at Stratford, and took 10:38 to Norwich
This was Set NC06 formed of DBSO+Refurbished Mk3+90002
On the way, we met Jim,
I saw 86501 at Colchester, approaching Colchester, I put down the window and Guess what came! :razz: my favourite 86! 86501
We got off at Ipswich, We met Dennis, they went to platform 1 for Felixstowe,
We returned on the 13:26 3 car 170 to Liverpool Street, on the Train joe realised he had lost his camera case, but at Liverpool Street we saw Set NC06 and went into coach D, and guess what!, Joe found it!
9997001+9997000 passes West Brompton
Heads Out leaving Stratford
This time leaving Colchester
FL 90044 stabled at Ipswich
170205 passes 156418
170,90 and Yingers "66"
GBRF/Metronet 66720 leaves Ipswich
The Whole view of Ipswich Yard, with a Skoda, 156 , Duff and Yingers
DVT stops the 90 pushing the Set at Ipswich
90019 "Penny Black" arrives into Ipswich, a nice fellow photographer can be seen from the right
57010 takes a 30 second break at Ipswich platform 3
FL 66543 gives some exhaust, while leaving the Yard
57010 powers up from the Headshunt
170271 at Ipswich
90001 arrives into Ipswich
156402 at Ipswich for Cambridge
90046 passes Ipswich *this was a rushed shot*
Comparing the fronts of 90046 and the DVT at Ipswich
57007 arrives into Ipswich
156418 with 47370 at Ipswich Yard
Two Anglia Sets side by side at Liverpool Street
DBSO and DVT at Liverpool Street,

We met at Stratford, and took 10:38 to Norwich
This was Set NC06 formed of DBSO+Refurbished Mk3+90002
On the way, we met Jim,
I saw 86501 at Colchester, approaching Colchester, I put down the window and Guess what came! :razz: my favourite 86! 86501
We got off at Ipswich, We met Dennis, they went to platform 1 for Felixstowe,
We returned on the 13:26 3 car 170 to Liverpool Street, on the Train joe realised he had lost his camera case, but at Liverpool Street we saw Set NC06 and went into coach D, and guess what!, Joe found it!

9997001+9997000 passes West Brompton

Heads Out leaving Stratford

This time leaving Colchester

FL 90044 stabled at Ipswich

170205 passes 156418

170,90 and Yingers "66"

GBRF/Metronet 66720 leaves Ipswich

The Whole view of Ipswich Yard, with a Skoda, 156 , Duff and Yingers

DVT stops the 90 pushing the Set at Ipswich

90019 "Penny Black" arrives into Ipswich, a nice fellow photographer can be seen from the right

57010 takes a 30 second break at Ipswich platform 3

FL 66543 gives some exhaust, while leaving the Yard

57010 powers up from the Headshunt

170271 at Ipswich

90001 arrives into Ipswich

156402 at Ipswich for Cambridge

90046 passes Ipswich *this was a rushed shot*

Comparing the fronts of 90046 and the DVT at Ipswich

57007 arrives into Ipswich

156418 with 47370 at Ipswich Yard

Two Anglia Sets side by side at Liverpool Street

DBSO and DVT at Liverpool Street,