Quote from Tony Halor on the TSC forum:
I've been working on some of the more complex pointwork in Network West Midlands, in an attempt to make the track layouts at some junctions more authentic. It's going to take some months to alter all of the problem areas, so the forthcoming loop line via Salford Bridge will be delayed.
I keep seeing users asking if there is any chance that a BVE route could be driven in the other direction. The only route that does do this is Boness, and it incorporates a very good way of dealing with the problem. So while I was altering the pointwork around Whitminster I decided to give the idea a go.
I'm making a Blackbrook-Whitminster-Blackbrook shuttle service, so that it can be driven both ways, with a stopover in the headshunt siding at Whitminster. If all goes well, and it's not been at all difficult so far, just tedious, a longer out and back Maybank-Riverside-Maybank, or Blackbrook-Riverside-Blackbrook could come about. The approach to Riverside has been re-modelled and there is now the opportunity to arrive at any platform there, so making a whole load of new possibilities.
Please don't ask how long it will take, but I'm hoping that the usual Christmas/New Year release might be attainable.