Here's My side of the story (More detailed, get comfortable)
My day started at 9:50 when I missed the 9:47 semi fast 465 to London but it didnt really matter; Since there was a mile long queue at the ticket window, I bought my ticket from the DLR machine just as the 09:55 slow to London which was formed of 465192 and 465037 was pulling in. I sat in the front carriage of 465192 and saw 66207 propelling ballast hoppers into Platform 11 at London Bridge, 2 VEPs on the Hastings service and a CIG on an unidentified Southern service. A 319/3 arrived on the Thameslink service and I sat on a tip-up seat. There was a myriad of class 319s at Blackfriars which made a sea of blue and yellow. At this point the driver put his foot down when entering Snow Hill tunnel and running straight through City Thameslink station. Id better get ready to get off at Farringdon to change to the underground. I got the Hammersmith and City line (the whole carriage to myself until KXSP) to Paddington.
Paddington station:
Observed the HSTs, 180s, Hexs and Turbos before going into WHSmiths to buy Rail, a bottle of sprite and a packet of wine pastilles, then I thought of getting the 11:12 FGWL service to Twyford as far as Ealing Broadway but I changed my mind. At about 11:30 I met somebody from the other side at the top of the tube escalators, then I bought a spicy Bean Burger meal from BK which was worth my money. Then we met Yorkie and Seth at about 11:40. While Yorkie and Joe went into M&S, me and Settt talked about some Forum members. Chris (Someone else from the other side) met us at around 11:55 and as we had a bit of time on our hands, we decided to do some Fotting from the end of Platform 1 but a Network Rail member of staff was having none of it. He was telling us to stop taking pictures but Yorkie said Its not the rules. You are allowed to take photos as long as its NOT for commercial use. The guy walked off, probably to tell his boss or someone else. But I decided it was time to board the train,we found 2 tables in coach D so we spread out. Also of note, the train was in reverse formation
Paddington to Hereford:
Departure was on-time at 12:42 and Joy54 phoned me as we departed. He was telling yorkie about not being able to get a certain ticket. Passed Old Oak common and there were 332s, 360/2s, 08s, 47s, 57s, Mark2s and Mark3s, I called Coxster en route to tell him what time we left and that we were on time. Jim phoned Yorkie to say that Dinas Abertawes train had broken down and the following train was delayed by about 25 minutes. This meant that it wouldve been a hit or miss chance of him getting our train. We switched to the slow lines at Twyford and Damon joined us at Reading station. I phoned Dinas Abertawe but no reply. At Didcot, Dinas Abertawe , OTS and Jim joined the train, by now it was tipping down with rain.
The Black shirt and Silver tie made Dinas Abertawe look like a Gangster :-x. Things like maps, my Fictional company Kentish Trains

, travelling chef and carriage crew stuff were mentioned. Joe bought a pack and it contained a cut-out card HST power car model. We took the Pi$$ and bought a few to eventually make 4 power cars. They were coupled back-to-back. Joy54 phoned me as we arrived at Evesham to see if the Train manager had a Sportis or hand-held computer ticket machine. He was at Worcester Shrub hill and the ticket office was shut. Me and OTS suggested he went to the other Worcester station but he didnt know where it was so we left it at that. He joined at Worcester while I took a trip to the buffet car to buy some Tango. The line only gets interesting (and scenic) once beyond Worcester Forgate street (a.k.a the Dump) where there is a big mountain and then Colwell Tunnel which Dinas Abertawe said the other portal was bat infested. OTS and Dinas Abertawe were then talking about the beer fest at Weatherspoons in Hereford. Then about food and where to get it; SWAIII knew of a nice chip shop called Mr Chips

that got my stomach rumbling. At Ledbury, I saw an Interesting Hippy building which said things like God Bless Michael Jackson and Bush sucks ??? Not long until Hereford.
The arrival was 15:45 and as soon as the doors were unlocked, me and Dinas Abertawe ran to take pictures of 43149 before it went to reverse in a siding. Then a 158 and 153 arrived on a Cardiff Central-Manchester Piccadilly service. Dinas Abertawe then lead us to Mr Chips and I yanked his tie as a joke before giving my order. I wish my chips were served Open and in a Cup or Cone but the lady served my chips wrapped in Newspaper.
Back to the station and we found 3 tables in coach B. I shared the table (at First) with Chris and Dinas Abertawe. When I put my rubbish in the bin, Chris taught me how to use the switch that put the vestibule door into manual force. It is useful when doing Heads out, when crossing to the other window, you dont disturb the people in the saloons. The journey back was uneventful as far as Worcester Forgate street were Sprinter joined us. He boasted to Dinas Abertawe about seeing 67029 at Gloucester and was he upset about it? Yes

. At Pershore someone pressed the red button to stop the train. Evesham we got delayed while waiting for the class 180 to arrive from London. An Old lady got annoyed about the vestibule door opening, so I switched it back into Manual force so that she stopped complaining. Jim then imitated the BNS auto announcer, Phil Sayer really loudly, better than me or Sprinter!
(Yes, I do Announcements too)
Then we quizzed Dinas Abertawe about HSTs as we pulled into oxford. Then our train became busy! A group of Italian Tourists sat at the 4-some bay with me and settt but they sat on the table, 2 guys shared the seat next to me and so they leant against me.
I dont blame them for taking the 4-Some bay because one of the people was on crutches. But still they annoyed me!
The other annoying bit was that they kept reading my notes. At Didcot, Dinas Abertawe and OTS left, Jim and Coxster at Reading where we saw an ex Rio HST on a Hereford service. 66142 was observed on a ballast/Rails train with 66065 IIRC. Having switched back to the fast lines at Twyford, me, Joy54 and Yorkie sort of planned the 1st June London meet. Joeseph left at Slough and then it was uneventful until Paddington, After sorting a few things out about the Fort William meet, me and Joy54 got the 436, he got off at Victoria, I got off at Camberwell green when I just missed a 484 bus home

. Well actually, I couldnt cross the road in time and as a result, I waited 20 minutes until the next bus. I got home at 21:15 and had my tea.
This was a very good meet. Id like to thank, Yorkie for organising it, Jim for asking the quiz questions, Dinas Abertawe for finding Mr Chips for us, and Sprinter for not mimicing engine sounds.