I've just seen this posted on a Facebook page:-
Not the first time it's been tried of course, there was Mercury back in BR days.
Has some good points, especially about reaching some of the more remote parts of the UK.

Network Rail invites £1bn private sector investment in telecoms - Network Rail
Network Rail is seeking private sector investment in its trackside fibre optic cable network in a deal that would enable...

Network Rail is seeking private sector investment in its trackside fibre optic cable network in a deal that would enable performance, safety and connectivity benefits for passengers.
It could also save the taxpayer up to £1bn in costs and support the Government’s objectives to improve connectivity across Britain, including in rural areas.
As part of our initiative to create a safer, more modern and digitally-connected rail network, this ambitious plan aims to secure the funding necessary to upgrade telecoms infrastructure along the rail network in an innovative way without relying on subsidies from government or passengers.
Not the first time it's been tried of course, there was Mercury back in BR days.
Has some good points, especially about reaching some of the more remote parts of the UK.
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