The three-car 195s on the busy York to Blackpool are in desperate need of strengthening.
Twice in three journeys, it’s been crush-loaded after Accrington.
York to Blackpool via Leeds and Bradford should be more capacity than three carriages.
The old Scarborough-Blackpools were usually 2 x 158 back in the day.
One of the problems you have is that some of the platforms are only 4 car lengths so you can only have either a 2x2car 195 or a single 3 car 195.
It is the busiest route in the area, especially at weekends and I have witnessed on many occasions passengers left behind.
But the biggest obstacle on this route I am told, and a reason that many York-Blackpools are cancelled leading to overcrowding on the next service 1 hour later, is ASLEF at company level, (DCW and local level reps), who are actively blocking Blackburn Depot, (drivers and conductors), from training on both 195s and on the York to Blackpool route, a route and type of train that passes through Blackburn twice an hour! I am told this is a source of extreme frustration at Blackburn, especially when York-Blackpools are cancelled due to lack of staff, as they cannot even take a spare 150 or 156, (if one is available), from the stabling and light maintenance depot at Blackburn King Street to Blackpool North as ASLEF sub-committees refuse to allow Blackburn to sign Kirkham to Blackpool North and Todmorden to Leeds, (however apparently, Blackburn do sign to Blackpool South).
I am told that there is often spare drivers and conductors at Blackburn, even when York-Blackpools are cancelled because of lack of staff. A rumour I was told was that Blackburn has more train-crew than it should have anyway!
(I am believe that Blackburn conductors, but not drivers, used to sign Blackpool North but the local level rep from RMT stopped that, in addition they didn't sign 195s anyway).
Also, add into the mix that at least 5 Blackpool drivers every day are rostered to route-refreshing Bolton to Manchester-Victoria, and Blackburn to Clitheroe.
Blackburn depot sign Kirkham to Stansfield Junction, (near Todmorden), which means they sign about 40 miles or 50% of the Blackpool-Leeds route.
I was told that the fierce protectionist attitude of local depot reps is causing this situation and the result is that us passengers are basically subjected to either cancelled, (often with the train running ECS anyway), or crammed in on the next over-crowded service.
As has been mentioned before, the service frequency should be increased, at least between Bradford and Preston to every half hour.
But, as long as the unions take this attitude the passengers will suffer.
Anybody else wonder why the UK railways are such a mess.....?