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Northern Trainee Conductor Course Dates

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18 Aug 2016
Good afternoon,

I found out today that I have passed the assessment for Trainee Conductor with Northern and that I am now on hold whilst they allocate courses.

My question's are how long roughly is the process from now and also does anyone 'in the know' have any information on when the next course is likely ? I am aware thatthere are already a couple starting this month but I am assuming that would be to soon.

Any help greatly received.
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RailUK Forums


17 Feb 2016
Good afternoon,

I found out today that I have passed the assessment for Trainee Conductor with Northern and that I am now on hold whilst they allocate courses.

My question's are how long roughly is the process from now and also does anyone 'in the know' have any information on when the next course is likely ? I am aware thatthere are already a couple starting this month but I am assuming that would be to soon.

Any help greatly received.

"How long"?
There are people who have started within days of passing and others still waiting after months, some over 6 month.
It really is just a waiting game, it's dependant on so many factors. Well done all the same, just sit tight and be patient, lol. Easier said than done I know!
Which station did you apply for? Did you apply for talent pool or a specific role/ position.
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