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Oyster visitor + child discount confusion

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New Member
18 Aug 2016

Me and my partner will be travelling to london with six children next week, two of them 10 years old, and the other four 13-15.

If me and my partner get a £10 oyster visitor card each to travel around the sites, what is the cheapest way to get the kids around?

i know the two 10 year olds will be free, if they are added to the oyster cards as young vistors, how much more do i need to pay??

Its so confusing, should i go with oyster cards or travel cards?

I dont really know much about oyster cards really, ive only ever had travel cards, if i buy a £10 one will that cover me to arrive at kingcross, and then do the sites of london?

Thanks for all your help.
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RailUK Forums


Established Member
10 May 2011
Don't bother getting Visitor Oyster cards - they're basically a rip off, offering no additional benefits for a £3 charge rather than a £5 refundable deposit.

For you and your partner you can use Contactless debit or credit cards if you have them - they'll have a rotated 'WiFi' symbol on them. This is the cheapest and easiest solution. If you don't have Contactless cards, you can purchase two Oyster cards from any Underground ticket machine. A £10 top-up will cover you easily for travel in central London - the cap is £6.40. The remaining £3.60 (plus your £5 deposit) can be refunded after 48 hours, or via the Oyster helpline.

Your two 10 year olds are, as you state, free. You don't need any tickets or cards for them; just use the wide aisle gates and go through together.

For the other four children the cheapest option will be Oyster cards. Top up half of what you put on the two adult cards, and approach a member of LUL staff to have a 'Young Visitor' discount loaded onto the cards.

The alternative (if you're only here for a day; you don't say) is to get One Day Travelcards. These are more expensive (roughly twice the price - £12.10 adults and £6 children) but are simpler in their use. I don't recommend this option, but it may be worth considering.

Any further qs, or clarifications, please do shout.
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