Food for thought ...
Fuel duty has always been far too low, it needs to reflect the true costs of motoring. For example every car journey becomes part of the congestion that delays others, but no-one thinks about that. (I won't start on pollution, accident risks etc here, but they're all pretty much not costed fairly). People take their cars out for all manner of reasons just because it's so easy, and yes why not when you've paid to own it and tax it etc, but there's still a huge unfairness when people happily pay many thousands for capabilities they will never use (I could go on about 4WD cars here), but then they complain about fuel prices.
A fairer fuel duty would be considerably higher, but it should NOT be used to subsidise other things, it should be used to help people to travel more fairly and wisely. Partly by having better rail and bus services, but also to facilitate better private travel, such that taxis can be much more readily available from homes out of reach of public transport, at more affordable prices. Think about this one, most cars sit idle for well over 90% of the time, so why not use them more efficiently, and get people to think a bit more about their travel? Those advocating driverless cars could think about this, perhaps all driverless cars could be available to rent only, not to own, and used to supplement the services provided by buses and trains.
I could go on, but surely this is food for constructive thought ...