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Plane or Missile

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Dave A

7 Jun 2005
*WARNING* Conspiricy theory *WARNING*

The US has finally released a video showing the moment a "plane" hit the Pentagon on 11/9.

Story here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4987716.stm

I've watched the video, which can be found on that page, and I can't see that tiny little thing being a plane! A missile, maybe, but a full size airplane!? :rolleyes: :confused: :(

Note: Forward video to 1 minute 3 seconds for best view!

Edit: Please do not read or participate in this discussion if you easily offened on the subject of 11/9 (9/11) or American politics.
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RailUK Forums


20 Oct 2005
Europe (Rijeka, Croatia)
Yep it's a plane allright; How come did the plane atmore than 700kmh sucseeded in crashing into a 5floor building in a area with higher buildings arround.

How come the plane didn't cause more damage; Where are the wings and the tail; And finally how did the 57m plane at more that 700kmh stop in 80m.


Established Member
6 Sep 2005
I started a thread on 9/11 previosuly, but just got slated.

Its gotta be a crusie missile.

Dave A

7 Jun 2005
So I'm not seeing things?

By the way, they have updated the video to show the frames and a longer explenation. Also, I've noticed they haven't said "the very few people who think its not a plane", or something along those lines, like they did last night!


Established Member
7 Jun 2005
Marwell Zoo
I don't know what this hype is about releasing footage, it's been available for years on conspiracy theory websites.
Of course it was a missile, a double bluff

Dave A

7 Jun 2005
I've seen it before as well. But now THEY are saying its a "plane", and basically saying anyone who thinks otherwise has been proved wrong and has been made to look stupid, makes them look either very pig-header or, more than likely as with most americans, very stupid!

Gareth Hale

11 Jun 2005
David said:
more than likely as with most americans, very stupid!

Leave the Americans out of this, they weren't the one who caused it, they were the SUFFERERS! Think before you type as people can be very very offended.

Dave A

7 Jun 2005
Gareth, the point I'm trying to make is that, americans, i'm talking about just the general public, will blame anyone else but themselves, to justify their actions, like 11/9, Iraq War etc.

If americas reason for going to war in Iraq was 11/9, and it looks more than likely a missile hit the pentagon and NOT a plane as they say, then it doesn't look to good about what REALLY happened at the twin towers, which I believe was an insurance job!, and it definately doesn't justify the Iraq War!!

Therefore, you can see why I use the term "stupid" when I say americans. Most of them will just believe what they're told and do what they're told to. Thats why George Bush will be around for probably a couple more terms, and america will probably be hit with a REAL terrorist attack, one day...


Established Member
4 Sep 2005
Anyone with half a brain can clearly see that is NOT a plane. It is a missile of some kind.

"Of course what the government says is official so it must be true.."

Those of you who believe that statement are misguided FOOLS


I like how a few frames are missing between the nose appearing on the screen to the explosion.


Forum Staff
Staff Member
7 Aug 2005
David said:
Thats why George Bush will be around for probably a couple more terms, and america will probably be hit with a REAL terrorist attack, one day...

David, you will probably, like many others be pleased to hear that American Presidents may only serve a maximum of 2 terms.


Gareth Hale said:
Leave the Americans out of this, they weren't the one who caused it, they were the SUFFERERS! Think before you type as people can be very very offended.

That is complete poppycock and rubbish. The Americans were the CAUSE of it all with their childish ways and attitudes. Birdbrain Bush wanted an excuse for having invaded Iraq and this was the way of gaining public sympathy for it. Does not matter that thousands of their own citizens were killed in the process it was necessary to do so that the Pentagon etc got their way. NEVER, EVER, EVER underestimate the evil that is America today.

I once heard the following to typify nations. Regard the British as Administrators. The Germans as Engineers. The French as Cooks. The Italians as Designers and the Americans as........Children

P.S.. I say that as someone who has seen the world become a far worse place in my liftime due to the uncultured, idiotic, greedy, violent, agressive, and bullying ways of a State called the U.S.A. I also say it as a personal opinion and don't care if it does offend some folk.

Further edit: I re-iterate that this is my personal opnion and the admins and mods of this forum have no responsibilty for it. If you want to rant and rave about it then do so in a PM to ME. DO NOT start a war on this forum in public. We have had enough of those in the past.
9 Apr 2006
London, UK
I think its a missile that hit the Pentagon because

1- where is the plane, the fuselage, wings, engine and all?... Can a 100 ton plane made from titanium, steel and aluminium just vapourised and vanish into the thin air upon impact (remember that most of the fuel is burnt off upon the moment impact)? Think of other plane crashes, is there any occasions where the wreckage was not recovered?

2- It is claimed that the "plane" skidded along the ground before colliding with the building... if this is true, why isnt there a trail where the plane contacted the ground?

3- Some people mentioned smelling cordite. Cordite is an explosive. Cordite and jet fuel has very different smell. Unless the plane was actually carrying cordite or that cordite was in the Pentagon at that time, this story does not make sense.

4- Why did the FBI confiscate the tapes of the CCTV footage and never released it to the public? Surely, that have something to hide.

5- If you look closely at the object that was heading for the building, that thing is way too small for a 757. Also the hole that was claimed to have heen caused by the plane is too small.

I think the reason why most of us believed that a 757 hit the pentagon is because the government wants us to think that way as part of a cover-up for what has happened.


14 Aug 2005
Oh dear here we go again.
People talking about something they know nothing about and will never know the truth.I don't know 100% and neither do any of you.
Whatever happened we will never ever know but one thing is for sure people died including young kids so having some repect.
You all say the US made it up so where do you go for your information,the true account of what happened..........where.................the internet.:rolleyes:

God help us all.

Dave A

7 Jun 2005
If you have a look at the first post, I actually warned of conspiracy theres in this thread. This means that people who know what one is, should know that there will be talk of something that may or may not be true, and comments made can upset and insult some people.

Reminding you that this discussion is talking about a THEORY, please don't forget that, if this was true, the US government would have lied about killing all those people, including kids, and started a completely pointless war where thousands more innocent people have died!

No-one makes you read this thread, so please don't make comments like that. We all know that many innocent people died on 11/9, and more on 7/7 and no-one here said anything to deny that!

As for:
You all say the US made it up so where do you go for your information,the true account of what happened..........where.................the internet
The Internet is the only place discussions like this can take place now days. You can't talk about anything in person anymore without the risk of being branded a terrorist, racist etc. Through the Internet, we can put our point of view across, anonymously, without someone saying that you are this and that, for just having an opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and seeing as the Internet is the only place to do it, more and more people will!


14 Aug 2005
David said:
If you have a look at the first post, I actually warned of conspiracy theres in this thread.
You certainly did mate.
This means that people who know what one is, should know that there will be talk of something that may or may not be true, and comments made can upset and insult some people.
True,you said it.

Reminding you that this discussion is talking about a THEORY, please don't forget that, if this was true, the US government would have lied about killing all those people, including kids, and started a completely pointless war where thousands more innocent people have died!
THEORY remember.

No-one makes you read this thread, so please don't make comments like that.
Like you i will say whatever i like,i'm sure we can all have opinions and at 35 years of age i'm allowed to read whatever i like. ;)

David said:
If americas reason for going to war in Iraq was 11/9, and it looks more than likely a missile hit the pentagon and NOT a plane as they say, then it doesn't look to good about what REALLY happened at the twin towers, which I believe was an insurance job!, and it definately doesn't justify the Iraq War!!

Met Driver

Established Member
8 Jun 2005
I can see the tension building here - please keep this as amicable as possible or I'll be forced to can this discussion.


Established Member
11 Oct 2005
Seth said:
I can see the tention building here - please keep this as amicable as possible or I'll be forced to can this discussion.
Tention? Do you not mean tension ;)


14 Aug 2005
Seth said:
I can see the tension building here - please keep this as amicable as possible or I'll be forced to can this discussion.
Certainly no tension just a different of opinions,nothing to worry about.

Dave A

7 Jun 2005
Tension, me, never... :p

This ain't tension, its just opinions. They is not as filled with tension as they what makes out to be! :lol: ;)


I have been asked to get off the fence so I will. The Americans, far from being the cure for most of the world problems, are the CAUSE. That is not to say the ordinary man in the street guy [John Doe] but the nasty guys in the Pentagon and White House who see the world as their feifdom wether the world likes it or not.

Do you realise that America is like an incurable disease? Once you've got it you never get rid of it. For instance why are Yank troops still stationed in this country and a lot of European countries? Can't be because of the Communists. They don't exist any more. I'll tell you this, America never did anything for this world for free. They ostensibly gave us aid in WWII [lend lease] but we are still paying for the aid. True that young Americans came here and fought bravely and died in Europe but if those boys were alive today I wonder if they would have bothered seeing the state of todays globe. There is some evil force at work in the world but it is so insiduose that no-one can pin it down.

There I have said my piece and once again I say it is my own personal theory and opinion and the admins of this forum have no responsibilty for it.


29 Sep 2005

That's interesting on this subject.

To be honest, I am a believer in Occam's Razor; the simplest solution is almost always the truth, and I feel that unless I can see facts that are overwelmingly comprehensive, I will not start believing for a moment that JFK was shot by Martians on their way to Area 51.

and it definately doesn't justify the Iraq War!!

Was it? Did anyone claim the Iraq War was directly because of 9/11?

Dave A

7 Jun 2005
Yes, numerous times. The words "to fight terrorism" spring to mind quite a few times...


29 Sep 2005
David said:
Yes, numerous times. The words "to fight terrorism" spring to mind quite a few times...

My recollection was that we went to war on the, now shown to be false, premise of WMDs. I thought 9/11 was for the war against Afganistan.

Dave A

7 Jun 2005
frasier said:
My recollection was that we went to war on the, now shown to be false, premise of WMDs. I thought 9/11 was for the war against Afganistan.

Yep, that as well. They've given every reason under the sun to try and justify the Iraq War, but never given the real truth...

OIL!! :rolleyes: :mad:
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