Please don’t take this as contradicting what you’ve put, but I’m genuinely interested in who are the lockdown enthusiasts are with regard to schools?
People who are vocal on social media; they may claim to be teachers, or students, or parents, but there is no way to be sure.
They tend to follow each other, 'like' each others tweets/posts, and refer to people who want to keep schools open as a variety of names, such as 'murderers' or 'fascists'.
They are currently using the hashtag "CloseSchoolsNOW" on Twitter.
I know that the unions have made some noises (I genuinely wish they would just shut up) but as you will know, the government takes little, if any notice of them.
Yes the Unions don't truly represent their members. My Union rep admitted that the people who tend to be contacting the Union are the vocal ones who do not necessarily share the same view as the majority and she also admitted the Union is swayed by them. I think the sort of people who lead the Unions are also a particular type of person that is not really compatible with modern day ways of thinking.
Regarding teachers themselves, I know this is only circumstantial, but I didn’t hear any colleagues complaining last term about being back or wanting schools to close.
I've got a few colleagues who have expressed a preference to close schools.
One thing that I think really helped us was that everyone has either been asymptomatic or had very mild illness, and the only person I know of to be seriously ill (hospitalised and placed in a Covid ward, no less) tested negative for Covid and positive for Rhinovirus. I've known several other colleagues be genuinely ill, but all tested negative for Coronavirus. We've also seen the huge negative impact it's had on students, especially those who are disadvantaged.
As this has dragged on and on, even those colleagues who were keen for schools to close are generally accepting now that it's not the best course of action.
I do know of a colleague who was initially not happy to be back at school and we first came back he was very keen for everyone to stay 2m from him. He says his fears were purely due to the worry that if he got it he'd pass it onto his Dad. But now, he will come well within 2m of me to have a conversation with me. So clearly his view is changing.
The vast majority do appear to think it is right that schools open (though I cannot be certain as, tempting as it is, I daren't go round asking everyone!) but several are unhappy at how onerous the new rules are and how some of the protocols generate a lot of extra work for staff.
At the end of July I made phone calls home to parents of children in my form group in order to let them know the final arrangements for the Autumn and to try and help resolve any questions they had. Not one parent raised any objections to schools reopening.
I'm aware of a very small proportion of parents being initially unhappy, but even they are now sending their children into school.
I had contact with about 90 parents during the term due to virtual parents evenings and many gave thanks for the work the school was doing and expressed relief that their children were back.
Yes this is the view of the vast majority of parents.
I don’t really ‘do’ social media other than for railways, so perhaps I’m missing something?
I really would avoid it!
Here are some examples of complete strawman arguments, to give you an idea:
“children need the structure of schools!” they also need living parents and teachers
MPs are staying at home for a further week yet hypocritically expect teachers and pupils to return to potentially unsafe environments. How can the impact of a temporary closure of schools compare to the impact of a child losing a family member to covid?
Those arguing for schools to open have suddenly had a new found concern for children’s mental health They have been notably absence during the years of underfunding of CAMHS. I think they were too busy calling kids ‘snowflakes’
Such people may only represent 1% of the population. The problem is that if just 1% of people are this weird, that's 666,000 weirdos, and if just 5% of them are on Twitter, that's over 33k vocal nutcases dishing out loads of rubbish, using hashtags that are then propagated to all users, and making them believe that they are somehow representative of the population at large.
That last one had 2.6K likes, demonstrating how there are thousands of idiots out there, but in some positive news, it did generate some sensible responses:
What a dreadful assumption. I am and always have been concerned about the mental health and well-being of children and have, in my role, worked with CAMHS many times. The safest place for children is school especially after a 2 week break when many of will have had a tough time.
Nah I'd like mine open thanks. If schools were having a major affect then cases would be falling over Christmas. My college shut a week early, has been shut for nearly 3 weeks and yet cases in our area are still rising dramatically.
I want schools to stay open. I am a teacher. I have not been silent over underfunding of CAMHS. I have never referred to kids as ‘snowflakes’ I know it’s Twitter so there’s not an ounce of nuance available but not everyone thinks the same.
Kids have one shot at school & for some remote learning doesn’t work. They are getting further & further behind. We are condemning those kids to failure. Are the government going to give them an extra school year to catch up when this is all done? Or dump them on the scrap heap
I have never been so offended tbh, I am autistic and suffered under the underfunding of CAMHS for around 9 years. You don’t have the faintest clue how closing schools would affect people like me up and down the country. In the first lockdown I wanted to kill myself soon into it.
I feel proud of those people standing up against such idiocy.
I will get involved in some arguments because I can't feel that people shouldn't be able to get away with saying such rubbish. But in all honesty it's a waste of time. If you've not registered on Twitter, I really would stay away!