At the same time a new Supervisor role created, but at 40k.
Quite. If you were a Station Assistant Multi-functional (SAMF) on £40k a year, you were mapped into these new Customer Service Supervisor (CSS) roles - with all the extra responsibility of running a station, but no extra cash.
The old Station Supervisors (SS 1) were mapped into Customer Service Manager (CSM) roles, with all the people management responsibilities, but no extra cash.
Of course I've massively simplified it here and doesn't take account of the different pay grades within each grade - there are some CSM3s who earn less than a CSS1!
Also, some CSS2s have been waiting since Fit for the Future (7 years ago) to be moved to nominated area group. Imagine it's 2016, and you are living in Essex, working at some east end station, and you got 'mapped' into Heathrow area with the new changes.
With the new influx of downgraded CSMs coming, the Company is being coy about whether these staff with essentially 'jump the waiting list' for an area group that people have been waiting years to get to.
As a last point, I wonder if the Company's ultimate plan all along was to do this and reduce the wage bill. If this is the case, then how long will it be before CSSs get a letter of consultation and offer of severance or redeployment?