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Safety Critical Things Guards do?

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17 Oct 2006
It's often mentioned here that the role of guards is safety critical and thus they are highly skilled professionals not 'just' to sell / inspect tickets and open / close the train doors.
What are these safety critical things the guard has to do?
Just curious, thanks
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RailUK Forums


Forum Staff
Staff Member
Global Moderator
16 Nov 2009
Is this an attempt to extend and vary the "guard having dinner" thread?

More likely it's someone who doesn't know what the guards role is asking for information on it! Or is it too hard to believe that someone might actually be curious just to know what guards do without an ulterior motive?


Established Member
28 Jun 2010
It's often mentioned here that the role of guards is safety critical and thus they are highly skilled professionals not 'just' to sell / inspect tickets and open / close the train doors.
What are these safety critical things the guard has to do?
Just curious, thanks

Thats pretty safety critical in itself though. As tragic as it is I shall refer you to the incident on Merseyrail where a young lady lost her life and the guard responsible is now facing manslaughter charges. The whole despatch process is safety critical and is not just 'opening & closing the doors'.

There are a few guards who use this forum who I hope will write you out a full list of their duties.


Established Member
15 Nov 2011
Between the parallel lines
I'll refrain from being cynical and a bit defensive as posters above seem to have been, and give you a few pointers as to what else a guard may be called upon to do.

A guard will, if not incapacitated, be required to assist with emergency safety in the event of an accident. They will be trained in protecting the passengers and the train, and will know how to react to the requirement to detrain, if the worst comes to the worst. If a passenger alarm is activated, the guard will often investigate and pass back information to the driver.

As you will know, guards also pass on information over the manual PA system, where a driver may be too busy or might get distracted by doing so. This information could be about ETAs, connections, disruption, safety information or information about the train (and its facilities) itself. They have, on occasion, also been known to override the automatic announcements where these are incorrect.

When in stations, guards can of course be seen advising and helping passengers, and checking the safety of the train before it moves - thus the job is not just "opening and closing the doors"!

Passengers do get reassured by the presence of trained staff on board with them. Vulnerable people are often especially grateful that staff are in the passenger area.
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