Had the Italians shown any interest up to now regards rescuing the pair? I dont know the answer, but isnt it possible that they hadnt shown any interest up to this point? Does anyone know whether they had or not, because if they hadnt, then why should we suddenly involve them. At the end of the day, we werent touching Italian Soil. All we were doing was trying to rescue 2 human beings. Considering one was Italian, surely it would be better for the Italians to thank Cameron and co for attempting to help an Italian out of trouble?
Had the Italians been involved from the start, then ok, its slightly different, but the fact Cameron never told them, makes me think they had little to do with it.
I get the impression the Italians are trying to point score and get one up on us, and come across as the poor hard done by neighbour etc etc.
As regards Cameron being arrogant in this attempt, and being wrong to go in now etc etc. He had to give the go ahead at some point. Unless he wanted to keep them there. In Nigeria their lives were in danger, so Cameron had to do something. Cameron obviously decided now was a good time, so wheres the problem? There isnt one. Whats different between now and 2 weeks time? Or 2 weeks previously? Nothing at all, and as i said, he had to do something. No arrogance. Just a case of having to do something.
Oh, and this comes from someone who doesnt exactly like Cameron, and has never liked the Tories. Perhaps I just dont go in for political point scoring, and can see the benefits no matter who is in charge.