Hi everyone,
I'm writing a fictional story in which the main character is a staff member at a railway station. From my limited understanding of the roles, I think he could be something like Grade B, with some duties on the gateline and also on the platforms. He might even have some Duty Manager aspects to his role. The story is set at a mid-sized station like Stafford.
I was wondering if anybody knew of any resources that could provide me with a typical shift in the life of these roles. It would also be useful to get hold of a hierarchy of roles at a typical station, as well as how many other people might be working, who my character might be in charge of, and who he might report to. As you can tell, I'm a bit hazy on the details of things. The story takes place over a single shift, likely to be 4pm-12pm on a Friday night, so the more information I can glean about what goes on during a shift like that, the better.
Thanks for reading my message – and for any help you might be able to give.
I'm writing a fictional story in which the main character is a staff member at a railway station. From my limited understanding of the roles, I think he could be something like Grade B, with some duties on the gateline and also on the platforms. He might even have some Duty Manager aspects to his role. The story is set at a mid-sized station like Stafford.
I was wondering if anybody knew of any resources that could provide me with a typical shift in the life of these roles. It would also be useful to get hold of a hierarchy of roles at a typical station, as well as how many other people might be working, who my character might be in charge of, and who he might report to. As you can tell, I'm a bit hazy on the details of things. The story takes place over a single shift, likely to be 4pm-12pm on a Friday night, so the more information I can glean about what goes on during a shift like that, the better.
Thanks for reading my message – and for any help you might be able to give.