Established Member
I've just completed all 25.5 hours of the NLL - took weeks!
Beat that :razz:
Analysis of your performance and score
Trains passing timing points: 13133 total timing points
On time: 4523 (34%)
2 mins late: 1529 (12%)
5 mins late: 1404 (11%)
Over 5 mins late: 5677 (43%)
Minutes lost/gained overall:
Total minutes lost by you: 48569
Total minutes recovered by you: 1634
Trains using the correct platforms: 373 occasions
Correct: 361 (97%)
Opposite: 0 (0%)
Incorrect: 12 (3%)
Total routes cancelled with trains approaching: 0
Total wrong routes set for trains: 48
Total joining moves abandoned: 0
Total trains removed: 1
Total trains shortened: 1
Other points lost: 0
TOTAL SCORE 49707 OUT OF 118201 (42%)
Beat that :razz: