I think it's tri-lingual from the way the text is laid out.It looks like it might be a version of the "Attention! Pour votre sécurité..." sign, as seen at the top of this page:
Consignes de sécurité en gare SNCF
Plus d'1 milliard de voyageurs transportés chaque année par la SNCF; les gares sont des lieux de vie fréquentés au quotidien par ceux qui utilisent les transports en commun pour se rendre au travail, soit à titre occasionnel pour se...www.leblogsecurite.com
i.e. a sign telling passengers what (not) to do for safety
Possibly with a second language after each of the 4 points (French in bold, other language in regular type)
Looks like Dutch to me!I think it's tri-lingual from the way the text is laid out.
This is presumably a variation and gives you the English - I would expect German as the third though.
Looks like Dutch to me!
Yes, I think you're right (about the original sign having three languages), because of the line breaks.I think it's tri-lingual from the way the text is laid out.
Yes (or Vlaams) - I meant German would normally be the third language (I think the OP's sign may be inside coaching stock?)Looks like Dutch to me!