SoS has told the MD that GA and WMT will be 'one of the first 2' to be taken in-house.
I wouldn’t be so sure just yet. That is certainly what the SoS wants - but during the HoL Report Stage debate of the Passenger Railway Services Bill on Wednesday, a “wrecking amendment” mandating that SoS must only exercise break clause termination by order of poorest performing TOC first (rather than by any other order such as chronological date of CTED) was pushed to a vote and accepted.
The government and Commons would certainly not want to accept the amendment as written, and so this would likely lead to a period of ‘ping pong’-ing, where both Houses come to a compromise on the amendment such that the overall bill can still pass.
Which means it now feels far less likely that GA will be nationalised first… the government will likely at least compromise on that! WMT maybe might still go, since they are relatively poorer performing.
Really quite pissed off that the expensive lobbying campaign by Dominic Booth and mob seems to have paid off… this is all the Owning Groups are good for, spending money on meaningless profiteering that don’t help the railway.